Chief of Peds

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Ivy walks into the lobby, holding Christopher and Alexus' hands when she spots the residents handing out cake to a returning Meredith, "Auntie Mer!"

The twins run up to the general surgeon and hug her, Meredith returning the hugs, "Well, what are you two doing here?"

"Schools closed for the day and Melissa is sick. Meaning, they get to go to the daycare. Jacksons bringing the younger three later. DeLuca, gather the residents, rounds start in 10 minutes. Oh, and save me a piece of cake," she whispers the last part so the twins can't hear her.

Alexus starts marching off to daycare after giving her own demands, "Save me a piece too, Dr. DeLuca."

Christopher nods, "Yeah, me too," before following his sister.

"I have no clue where they get their bossy attitudes from," Ivy turns to Meredith and DeLuca.

"Yeah, no clue."


Meredith and Ivy make their way into their shared patients room where the residents are already waiting, "Good morning."

Ivy accepts the tablet DeLuca holds out to her, "Dr. DeLuca, present."

"Jamie Caldwell- 13."

"Jamie. I know Jamie. I took out your gallbladder two year ago. How are we doing?" Meredith interrupts.

"Zachary just commented on Tessa's photo with a heart emoji. When I'm dying," Jamie shows her phone screen.

Her mother shakes her head, "You're not dying," she turns to Meredith and Ivy, "She's not dying. Right?"

DeLuca continues, "Jamie presents with a palpable three by centimeter mass in between her ribs on her right side, which-"

Jamie interrupts, "Hurts like hell."


"Language," her mother chastises.

"Can you cut this thing off before Tessa's bat mitzvah? Zachary Schultz isn't gonna dance with a hunchback," she complains.

Ivy looks down at her tablet as an Irish voice speaks from the doorway, "Who's presenting? There a problem?"

DeLuca stutters slightly, looking to see if his mentor knows who this is, "W-we already started."

Meredith jumps in, "Hi. Who are you?"

"Oh, right," Ivy chuckles, "You two haven't met yet. Dr. Grey, this is Dr. Cormac Hayes, chief of pediatric surgery. Dr. Hayes, this is Dr. Meredith Grey, head of general surgery."

"Since when?" Meredith whispers to her sister in law.

"Since this morning," Hayes answers, "For the future, let's not round on my patients when I'm not here. Start again."

Ivy nods at DeLuca to do so, "Jamie Caldwell, 13, presents with persistent back pain..."


Hayes is feeling the patients back, "It feels hard- almost like a bone. Have we ordered a CT?"

"I was about to, but then I got interrupted," Meredith sasses as Ivy shakes her head.

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