New Chief

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Yawning, Ivy leans against Jackson as they walk the halls, "Why are we here again?"

Jackson gently pushes her off of him as they enter Nishas room, "Nisha spiked a post-op fever."

Schmitt greets the couple, "Shes been in and out since you two left, and her blood pressures dropping."

"Okay, let's get a septis workup, a chest x-ray and some cultures," Ivy tells him as her and Jackson get gloves on.

"Blood and urine is already done," Schmitt nods.

Jackson turns to the bed, "Hey, Nisha, I'm gonna check out your back, all right? It might sting a little bit."

Cece from next door calls out, "Nisha, how you feeling?"

"I don't know. How am I feeling?" Nisha looks to Ivy.

"You got a bit of an infection back here, but I'm gonna change up your antibiotics, okay?"

Nisha chuckles, "You can do whatever you want to me. Oh, wait," she gestures to Ivy, "You're married. But see? I flirted!"

Ivy smiles, "You did. That's great."

"Excellent work. A little aggressive, but once the drugs wear off, we'll work on the nuance and going after single people," Cece follows up.

Behind her, Ivy starts to hear Cece's monitors go off and Helm yell, "Shes in v-tach! We need a crash cart!"

Turning, Ivy tears off her gloves and commands, "Paddles. Sync charge to 100. All right, here we go. We got you. Clear!"

"Still in v-tach," Helm says after Ivy shocks Cece.

"120. Clear. 200. Clear," Ivy checks the monitors as Cece coughs back awake.

"What-what happened?" Cece asks.

Jackson calls out, "Dr. Shepherd-Avery, a little help! Her heart rates climbing."

Ivy sighs before turning to the nurse, "Its gonna be a long night."


Yawning, Ivy joins Meredith and Jackson with their interns. Meredith is the first to notice her, "You look like a semi hit you."

"I feel like it," she yawns, laying her head on Jackson, "I don't understand. Normally, I can do a six hour surgery, no problem, but I'm exhausted."

"Remember, you are carrying a baby so you're gonna be more tired," Jackson puts a hand on her stomach.

"Baby? You're pregnant? Again?" Meredith interrupts them.

Ivy sighs, hitting her forehead, "I knew we forgot something. Yeah, we're expecting and you can't tell Amelia because I have to otherwise she will kill me. So, shh."

Meredith smiles, hugging them, "I promise. Congratulations you two," she points at Jackson, "And can you tell your husband that I'm not married to my work."

"But you are, Mer. We all are. You just happen to be a little more," Ivy shrugs, not seeing the big deal.

"I hear the hyperbaric chamber is done. Why don't we go take a little peak?" Jackson guides her away before shouting over his shoulder, "You're very successful, Mer!"

Ivy groans, "I wasn't saying she wasn't. I-I-I was just-"

Jackson puts a hand over her mouth, "Shh. Trust me, it's better to leave it."

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