Jail Cell

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Ivy waits in the ER for Hayes and Schmitt to bring the teenage girls in. She keeps her face straight, not allowing her emotions to get mixed in on this case, knowing the harm that could do. 

She looks down at her phone as it beeps.

From Twinnie: Mer's awake. DeLuca is checking on her now. You coming up?

To Twinnie: No. Big trauma case coming in. It's bad.

Locking her phone, Ivy quickly heads out to the ambulance bay to meet Travis for the other teenager, before wheeling her into the ER, "Jada Williams, second degree burns to the left hand."

"Jada! Are you okay?" Her friend, Shanice called out.

"Where's your mother?" Sharon, Shanice's mother, asks.

She cries, "They took her. They arrested her!"

Schmitt starts to ask as Ivy helps Jada into one of the beds, "Wait, why would they-"

"Travis Montgomery from 19 said there was an altercation with police at the scene. Obviously, someone's head wasn't screwed on right and they arrested her mother," Ivy shakes her head.

Sharon is quick to try and comfort Jada, "It's okay. It's a mistake, okay? They'll let her out. Where's your father? Did your mother call him?"

"He went to see my grandma in Nevada. She wouldn't stop going out in public without a mask."

"Okay. We'll figure it out," Sharon reassures her, "We'll be okay."

Ivy rests a gloved hand on Sharon's shoulder, "You are more than welcome to stay with her while everything is figured out. If you need anything, this is nurse Ginger and she will help you."

Hayes looks at the resident, "Schmitt, get her a chest x-ray and page Avery to come and have a look at this hand."

She looks over the hands, taking her gloves off to show the faded scars, "I got this from a plane crash. Second degree burns on my hand. But, Dr. Avery, my husband and the head of plastics here, fixed it right up. And he is going to do everything he can for both of you. I promise that you will get through this."


Ivy meets Hayes and Jackson in the ER, "Any word on the mother?"

Jackson shakes his head, "I can't believe they arrested her."

She sighs, "Get ready for more bad news. No word on the mother yet but we need to get them transferred upstairs. Due to Seattle Pres reaching capacity, the kidnapper is coming here. According to Montgomery, he is belligerent."

"Absolutely not. We're not bringing him to this hospital," Jackson argues. 

"Jacks, I hate it too, but I'm gonna give him the best care I possibly can just so he can rot in a jail cell the rest of his life. Also, because I was told I had no choice."

She walks away to prep, tapping her tablet three times as Jackson does the same.


Waiting in the ambulance bay, Ivy taps her foot, looking at her watch, "I could be on the COVID floor right now, helping those who need. Instead, I'm waiting here to help a man who kidnapped two girls."

"The girls are upstairs and the coast is clear down here for...Satan's arrival," Jackson says from behind her as he moves to stand next to her.

"Satan is almost to nice a name for him. Satan is associated with power in hell. I've been referring to him as not even worthy of the dirt from the bottom of my shoe," Ivy bites out, glaring at the approaching ambulance.

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