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Ivy stands with Meredith on the deck of a ferry boat as they overlook the water. She lays her head down on her shoulder as they enjoy the breeze and the connection to Derek.

They walk over to Alex and sit beside him on the bench, "How was it? Was he happy for you?"

"No. He was jealous," Meredith laughs.

"Its the Harper Averys. We're all jealous. Well, maybe not McBaby over here," Alex nods to her.

"Nope. Harper Avery talked down to me like I had no clue what I was doing or that I even belonged in an OR. Give me Jackson Avery over Harper Avery anyday."

The trio laugh as they start to dock.


Ivy and Jackson head to the ER and see Meredith gowning, "Uh, why are you gowning?"

Meredith points behind her, "A major trauma just came it."

"Ooh," Ivy starts to move towards the trauma but Jackson pulls her back.

"No, no, no. We have plenty of surgeons that don't need to be in Boston, Meredith. What-" Jackson explains as Ivy pouts.

"O'Malley and Yang."

Ivy and Jackson share a confused look, "Whats that?"

Alex nods over to the trauma, "Baby O'Malley and Baby Yang."

Meredith smiles, "And there's a baby Izzie Stevens, who's having a baby. I mean, I definitely cannot go anywhere right now."

Ivy claps her hands together, "Well, that works for me. Better get gowned."

Her and Meredith quickly make their way over to the trauma.

"I called your parents. Their flying in. They wouldn't take, we don't know yet, for an answer, so I made up some medicine," Baby Stevens says.

"What did you go with?" Baby Yang asks.

"Minor blunt force trauma with no LOC on the scene."

Baby Yang nods, "Thats good. Sounds cool. Means nothing."

Ivy asks as she finishes gowning up, "Are you doctors?"

Who she assumes to be Baby O'Malley says, "We're interns at Seattle Pres."

"We are no longer interns and haven't been for two weeks, Greg. We are second years. Try to keep up," Baby Yang tells him.

Ivy starts examining Greg.


"Crush syndrome can cause arrhythmias and renal failure, so we need calcium, bicarb, and albuterol," Ivy tells the interns.

Cleo sees Webber and Bailey, "Look at them. The way they're looking at you. That's the you're gonna die face."

"Shut up, Cleo."

"That really isn't helpful," Ivy tells her.

"We know that face. We use that face. It's perfectly composed, gives nothing away. You should call your mom, let her hear your voice one last time," Cleo spouts out.

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