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Ivy paces in the ER, on the phone with Melissa as Jackson watches her, "Are you sure you have everything for the kids? The heater and electricity is working? The kids are alright? I know it's busy here, but I can come home if the kids- yes I know you can take care of the kids, but they are my babies and I'm worried-"

She glares at her phone as Jackson smirks at her, "She hang up on you?"

"You would think she'd be a little more caring considering we pay her."

"Melissa is great, the kids will be fine. Now, you paged? A patient with frostbite?" Jackson kisses her forehead, messaging the knot in the back of her neck.

Ivy points at each bed, "Patients, beds two, three, six, seven and nine. I love you, please don't need me."

Jacksons mouth hangs open as she kisses his cheek and rushes off. She passes DeLuca on his way out, "DeLuca, where the hell are you going?"

"To get a liver for Hayes. It's at Seattle Pres and the roads aren't clear so I'm walking. Don't worry, he's covering me," DeLuca explains, rushing out.

"Hold up," Ivy stops him, grabbing a pair of gloves, "Wear these. And pull your hat over your ears. Your jacket needs-"

"Dr. Shepherd-Avery, I don't need you moming me."

Ivy freezes and looks over what she was doing, "You're right. I'm sorry, I'm separated from my kids during this blizzard. I'm sorry. But when you get back, you're gonna sleep for a few hours cause you look half dead. Go, get that liver."


Getting a page from Bailey, Ivy meets her, Hayes, Meredith and Carina on the peds floor, "Why am I here when my ER is full?"

"Did you know about DeLuca's-"

"I know he's saving a little girl by getting her a liver. I also know that I went mom mode on him and made sure he was winter protected. Now, can I get back to my patients or are we going to continue to stand here and debate if a grown man can handle walking?" Ivy looks around at the group, nodding at Hayes grateful look.

As Link draws Baileys attention, Carina pulls Ivy aside, "Dr. Shepherd-Avery, I'm worried about Andrea."

"He'll be fine, I promise, it's just-" Ivy starts.

"No, not that. Have you noticed Andrea being...snappy lately? He's not sleeping, not taking care of himself. And he's at the age papa was when he started showing signs," Carina explains.

Ivy realizes what she's implying, "BPD. I spent time in psych, plus I have psychologist as a sister, I know the signs. I also know that it's treatable and he needs help in taking care of himself. The best way for us to do that is help him make time to rest and eat and broach the topic of seeing someone when he's ready to listen. We can't force him to do anything."


"Carina. My brother and husband have committed me to paych before. I hated them for it. Right now, Andrew just needs us to aid him in finding a balance. I'm doing that, but you going at him, telling him what's best for him, could make him spiral. Just...patience. For now," Ivy tells the surgeon, getting a page.


Snapping gloves on, Ivy walks into the trauma room to see Maggie and Owen working on a pregnant woman, "How far along? Page OB."

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