Mer Care

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Ivy sits with Jackson and Owen, watching Richard's first video speech as Chief of Chiefs, "Good morning, Grey-Sloan. Richard Webber, here. Chief Medical Officer for the Catherine Fox Foundation. This time has been extremely difficult. Many members of our staff have been unable to see their families, we've struggled with supplies, and we've lost more patients than we could ever imagine. I'm so sorry."

Koracick comes in, overhearing what they are watching, "I gotta say, it's a definite improvement from his last on-screen performance."

"Only three people in the lounge at a time. COVID protocol," Owen tells him.

"Since when?"

"Since now," Owen takes a sip of his water as Tom leaves.

Richard continues, "Along with our patients, we need to take care of each other. That's why I'm pleased to announce that Grey-Sloan has been fortunate enough to secure enough COVID tests for the entire staff. Today, we will be testing hospital-wide. It is not an option. Additionally, and effective immediately, residents will not be able to go into rooms with COVID-positive patients or those patients whose results are pending. It is imperative that we control the hospital's transmission rate and protect our residents. Oh, and speaking of residents, please let's give our new class of interns a warm welcome. And they have graciously agreed to start early to help us in our time of need."

She sighs, turning off her phone, "I've got to go meet Andrew and Teddy about Mer. Thankfully, my position as head of the board allows me to be on her team. Hopefully today will be good news."

Jackson taps his fingers three times on the arm rest of her chair, the signal they've made to say I love you and to reassure each other, "I'm sure everything will work out. Talk later?"

"Yeah, the kids wanted to facetime with both of us."


Ivy stands with an intern and Andrew, going over different charts when Teddy finally joins them, "Sorry, I went to get a few hours of sleep."

She nods, "Understandable. Mabel, present."

The intern starts, "Patient was admitted for respiratory support four days ago, after a positive COVID test. Her O2 is 92% on six liters nasal cannula, WBC count is downtrending, and her latest creatinine is .89."

"How's she feeling? Any body aches? Increased fatigue?" Teddy asks as they stop outside of Meredith's room.

"Why don't you ask me yourself?!" Meredith shouts behind the close door of her room.

Ivy and Andrew share a smirk as the younger man says, "Lungs sound good."

Teddy and Ivy enter the room, greeting her, "We would ask you if you were patient for a second longer."

"When are you gonna let me out of here?"

"I'm gonna let you out of here when I'm convinced you won't collapse again," Teddy tells her, moving to look at the screens.

Meredith sighs, "Well, that was four days ago. I feel fine."

Ivy rolls her eyes, crossing her arms, "Your definition of fine and hospital's are very different."

"I think," Meredith glares slightly at her sister in law, "You should just release me with supplemental oxygen so I can go quarantine in a hotel. Let's give the room to someone who really needs it. According to the tracker, we're almost at capacity."

"I told them to take away your log-in privileges so that you would rest."

She leans back after Teddy listens to her lungs, "I have connections. I own the place."

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