Holiday Joy

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*Christmas Eve*

Laying on the OB bed, Ivy sighs as Jackson holds her hand and Carina starts the scan, "All right. Are we ready?"

Ivy nods, "Yeah, all ready."

Carina squirts some gel onto her bump and moves the probe around, "Okay, looks like mom and babies are healthy."

"Thats go-wait. Did you say babies?" Jackson asks.

"Oh, yeah. Baby A and baby B. Right there. Did you not know it was two?" Carina questions pointing at the screen.

Ivys mouth hangs open as Jackson shakes his head, "No, no we did not."

Carina shrugs, "Well, now you do. Two little ones. Would you like to know the genders?"

"Sure," Ivy squeaks out.

"Two little principessas. Now, I will print some of these out and give you two a moment alone to process," Carina wipes the gel, and quickly leaves the couple along.

Ivy doesn't say anything, just stares at her bump as Jackson runs a hand along her arm, "Are you here?"

She makes a noise but doesn't do much else, "Okay, how about we get the sonograms and head to mom's? It'll probably clear your head."

"Okay," Ivy whispers, still processing.

On their way out, Jackson has to check on a patient so Ivy waits for him by the nurses desk, spotting Ginger, "Hey, baby momma. How you feeling?"

"Babies," Ivy tells her.


"There are two little girls growing like weeds in my uterus," she starts laughing.

Ginger eyes her, "I see you're taking it well."

Ivy shakes her head, continuing to laugh, "I've already had twins, so this will be a piece of cake. Except for the fake that I don't know if I can mother five kids. Cause once my mom hit five kids, she stopped being a mother," she stops laughing, "What if I do the same?"

"You won't, because you are to stubborn to do that to your children. And I would kick your ass before allowing you to do that," Ginger smiles before hugging her, "Congratulations, Ivy."

"Thank you, Ginger. Merry Christmas," she hugs back before spotting Jackson and following him to the car.


After finishing dinner at Catherine's, Maggie asks, "Anybody want to play cards? I play a mean Gin Rummy."

The kids had an earlier dinner and were upstairs asleep. Maggie was sitting next to Webber who sat next to Catherine. Jackson was sitting across from Webber and in between his mother and wife.

"I don't play anymore since that time Ivy wiped me clean when we were residents," Jackson kisses Ivys cheek.

"I'm sorry, kids. I'm just exhausted. Would I be a party pooper if I just went to bed?" Catherine asks.

Ivy hands her an envelope, "Only if you don't open this present before doing so."

Catherine smiles at her, "What did you do?"

"The better question is what did your son do? Well, look open it and find out," Ivy prompts holding Jacksons hand.

Opening the envelope, Catherine gasps as she spots the two beans, "Twins? Again?"

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