Harpers Dead

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Ivy walks into the scan room, "Hey, Amy, you page- oh, my God. That is a beautiful tumor. Who's is it? Why does that say your name? Amy?"

DeLuca comes in behind her, "Dr. Shepherd. Oh, uh, I was going to say that it's been a week and that you should tell someone. I see you have."

"A week?! Amelia!"

"I have Tom Koracick flying into take a look at it, for now, just go about your business. I thought you should know as the only Shepherd I talk to," Amelia explains.

"Does Owen know?" Ivy asks.

She shakes her head, "No and I don't want him to know right now. So, go about your job. I just thought you needed to know."

Ivy sputters, "E-excuse me? Go about my job? Are you insane? I just found out my only sibling that I talk has a brain tumor. I'm not going anywhere," her pager beeps, "Except to greet Harper. Damn it. That's today. Okay, look, I'm going to go deal with the Avery side of my family and then I will be back to deal with the Shepherd part, understood?"

Amelia nods, "Yes. Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet. I'm going to beat your ass for keeping this from me for a week."


Harper's voice carries through the hall, "Don't you people have jobs to do?"

Ivy intervenes, "Of course we do, but we're department heads at a very well ran hospital. That means that we don't need to be looking over everyone's shoulders, we know they know how to do their jobs."

He nods, "I suppose that is a good thing."

"It is. Chief Bailey runs this place amazingly well. Now, have you given your grandson a hug? Jackson give your grandfather a hug," Ivy commands her husband.

"Ivy, I don't think-"

"Jackson, hug your grandfather."

"I'm hugging my grandfather," Jackson steps forward and hugs Harper before Ivy does the same.

Ivy smiles, "Great. Now, how about we let them get back to whatever they need to, and we go meet?"

Bailey turns to Ivy as Harper walks away, "Thank you."

She nods, "You owe me."


"Um, why don't we all sit down?" Bailey leads them into the conference room.

Harper tells Jackson as he pulls the chair out for his wife, "Grown ups only, Jackie. Take a walk."

Ivy shakes her head, "Remember, Jackson and I hold the majority vote on the board, so we will both be staying to hear your concerns."

Jackson sits next to Ivy, "And it's Jackson or Dr. Avery."

"What is this-backtalk?"

"It hasn't been backtalk since I was 18," Jackson sasses.

"Theres coffee and pastries," Ivy tries to distract.

Their interrupted when Amelia knocks on the door, "Chief, could I have a minute?"

Bailey stands, "Oh, uh, now isn't a good time."

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