Drugs and Party

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Ivy laughs as Jackson digs through the camping supplies in the back of their car as she holds Aurora, "Jacks, babe, I'm almost eight months pregnant. I should not be going camping any time soon."

He chuckles, "Come on, you love camping. You always tell me how much fun you had with Derek when you guys went camping."

"Yeah, when I was like ten. And not pregnant. How about, we go camping after I have the twins. We can leave them with Catherine or Mer and Maggie but let's just wait a while, okay?" Ivy hands him Aurora as her pager goes off.

"Okay. Fine. But we will be going camping," Jackson is firm.

"Of course. Now, I have a few OD's coming in, apparently one tried to run over Bailey and Altman. See you later?"

They kiss, "See you later. Say bye mommy."

Aurora waves slightly, "Bye mommy."


Walking into the ER, Ivy spots Bailey, "Bailey, we got two more."

She questions, "Two more overdoses?"

Ben nods, handing Ivy a bottle of water they had in the rig, "Mm-hmm. Jerry and Paula. Regulars. Always shooting up in the park down the street. They usually wake up with one dose of narcan and then refuse treatment, but I've already given them three doses, and they're not responding. There's a bad batch of something out there," he turns to Ivy, "And you. Drink that water. We don't need you passing out from lack of hydration."

Ivy takes a big sip of the water as dispatch calls a code red for Ben, "Looks like I'll be seeing a lot of you today. See you in a bit, Ivy."

She calls out to her staff as he leaves, "Okay, listen up. This is gonna be an all-hands on deck situation. Let's page on-call personnel. Make sure we have all the narcan from the pharmacy to reverse the opiods. We need to be prepared for secondary injuries and side effects. And get all the resident down here. Grey may have an interesting surgery but their paycheck pays them for more then sitting around."

"I'll make sure they get down here," Webber reassures her, "What about Hunt?"

"He's saying goodbye to Leo. Betty's parents are taking him. I'm gonna give him a few minutes then we'll page him," Ivy tells Webber, who nods in agreement.


As staff start bumping into each other, Ivy calls out, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Everyone slow down! Speak calmly to your team, get what they need and handle it. Communication is key! What do you got, Parker?"

"He was responding until about two minutes ago, when he started hyperventilating again," Parker fills her in as she listens to his lungs.

"Get him on a narcan drip. Bailey, how's it going?"

"Its worse outside than it is in here. And too many teenagers. I'm aware that I sound like my mother, but is the world going to hell in a handbrake? Uh, 0.4 of narcan," Bailey tells the nurse beside her.

Ivy starts backing away, "Uh, I'm going to go to the ambulance bay and see if I can get it under control."

Owen taps her shoulder, "Ivy, I've got it."

She nods, "Okay. Stay busy but if you need to tap out for even a second, let me know."


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