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Ivy shakes her head as she scrolls through Meredith's article, "Meredith Grey just screwed us over. Bailey just told me that because of that article, a trauma patient literally just got back in an ambulance to drive somewhere else."

"Its crazy. I have to admit, I'm impressed by Grey. She's calling out the medical community and it's a big deal," Jackson tells her as they change into their scrubs.

"I know. If you read the list, it calls out the community, but if you read the headline only, this hospital won't survive," Ivy shakes her head before heading to give residents assignments.

She hears them talking about the article without noticing her, so she slams the papers in her hands on the table, startling everyone.

"Listen up. I know we have all seen the article Dr. Grey has wrote and if you actually read past the headline, it's a great article with amazing points. But, no one actually reads the article, they look at headlines. Meaning, this hospital is gonna see a drop in patients. Which means, the patients that we do have better have perfect care. DeLuca, you're in the ER today. Thanks to your girlfriends article, it should be practically empty, don't mess it up. Rest of you, rounds, let's go."

The residents all scurry out before DeLuca approaches her, "Meredith didn't write the article. She sent in the list as things she could write about, about the whole medical community. They twisted her words and wrote that article. She didn't."

"Go. Tell Bailey that cause I'm sure she's freaking out just as much as I am."


Catherine, Tom, Jackson, Bailey and Ivy sit in a conference room trying to come up with a plan, "Good press. We need to generate good press."

Bailey scoffs, "With this article that Grey wrote, there is not enough-"

"I'm gonna talk to Meredith," Ivy decides, moving to leave.

"What? That's not a good idea," Catherine tells her daughter in law.

"Its a better idea. Talking with Mer and figuring out a way to fix this together is a better idea than publicity. Look, I have a plan, let me see it though."

They all look to Catherine who finally nods her approval at Ivy.

Leaving the room, Ivy pulls out her phone.

To Mer: take your lunch break. We need to talk.

From Mer: are you gonna hear my side?

To Mer: DeLuca already told me, now it's time we work together so this hospital doesn't need to call Cahill back to ruin our lives


Meredith meets Ivy at a coffee shop a mile from the hospital, "I didn't write that article. They took what I said out of context-"

"I know, Mer. But the consequences are becoming more and more severe. Maggie just texted me that Bailey thinks she's having another heart attack, patients are refusing treatment and asking to go other places, people are quitting left and right, it's a mess, Mer. Is there anything you can do to retract this or something?" Ivy asks, sipping her coffee.

"I'm talking to the editor and doing everything I can-"

They are cutoff by Ivys phone buzzing.

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