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Ivy looks over April's shoulder as she finalizes the invites for Jo and Alex's wedding. She nods, smiling before hitting send. A horn honks before they grab their jackets and make their way out.


Stumbling around, Ivy quickly calls 911 before collapsing into the ravine.


*Owen's POV*

Quickly working, Owen, Bailey and Roy work on Matthew as Meredith comes in, "You paged? Whoa! Oh, my God. Is that Matthew Taylor?"


"What happened?"

"He rolled his car. Someone should find Kepner. Get Shepherd-Avery, someone should stay with Kepner," Owen calls out.

Bailey nods, "Yeah, Roy, get Kepner and Shepherd-Avery."

Roy argues, "You said where you go, I go."

One of the nurses pipes in, "Kepner was just brought in. Do you want me to page Shepherd-Avery to look her over?"

"No. Grey, you got him?" Owen gestures to him.

"Yeah, go check Kepner out," he quickly runs out and hears April yelling from the next trauma room.

April screams, "Ivy! She's out there! Go! Leave me alone and get her!"

Owen holds his hands up, "Whoa, whoa. What's going on? Kepner, talk to me."

She cries, "Ivy was in the car with us. Ivy was there but they say she's not here so she's still out there! She needs help!"


He runs to the paramedics, Bailey and Meredith, "How did you get the call?"

"911 dispatch. He must have called before he went unconscious," the female paramedic tells them.

"Was there anything left in the car, like a purse, a woman's coat?" Bailey asks.

"Only purse belonged to Dr. Kepner," she shakes her head.

Roy runs up to them, "Called Dr. Shepherd-Avery seven times, only went to voicemail."

Meredith sighs, "I'm gonna go find Jackson or Amelia. They'll know where she is."

Owen nods, "Yeah, take me out there, where you found the car. Let's go."

They head to the rig.


Owen is out of the rig before it is even stopped, "Shepherd-Avery! Ivy! Ivy!" Lookijg sown, he sees a head of brunette hair and runs down.


They're met at the hospital by Bailey, Meredith and some interns, "Shes hypothermic, freezing cold. No pulse, no vitals. GCS of three."

"No idea how long she's been down," the female tells them.

"I think we lost her," the male adds.

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