Awkward Dinner

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Ivy and Jackson hold hands as they step off the elevator. She laughs at the picture Jackson is showing her of his and Aurora's latest tea party when they spot Maggie, "You back at work?"

She jumps as she hadn't seen them, "No."

"You gonna be?"

"I had to meet with Koracick to ask. He's not sure," Maggie sighs.

Jackson nods, swinging his and Ivy's hands, "Yeah, well, I guess it was pretty sudden. You did kinda screw him."

Ivy silently watches them argue, "And we don't all have parents who can clean up our messes."

"Didn't Richard go to your house to get you out of bed and here in the first place?" Ivy asks, being ignored.

"You coming tonight?" Jackson asks his stepsister.

"Why wouldn't I be coming?" She responds.

"Well, seeing as you apparently can't stand the sight of me, I thought maybe you'd skip it," he comments.

Maggie sighs, "Jackson, my opinion of you has no effect on my plans. It's Richard and Catherine's anniversary. I care about them. I'm going."

Jackson mumbles out, "And you're clearly in the mood to celebrate, so that's great."

Ivy rolls her eyes, "You two are acting like Chris and Allie do when they are fighting with each other. I thought I was dealing with grownups, not children."

The trio bumps into Richard and Catherine so they all greet each other. Ivy leans back into Jackson as Richard asks, "So, u-um, all set for tonight?"

"Hey, I'm making blackberry cobbler," Catherine shares.

"Oh, looks like we will be taking some food home with us tonight," Ivy smiles, Jackson nodding in agreement.

"So, um... see you soon," they all go their separate ways, Ivy laughing at all of them.


Ivy rings the doorbell to Catherine and Richard's house as the twins babble in the stroller, "Aurora, keep holding Allie and Chris' hands please. Thank you."

Catherine and Richard open the door as Maggie waves from the entrance, "Hey! Happy anniversary. Jackson is having a little trouble with a patient, but he'll be here soon. He also has a gift from us with him, but the kids have something for you," Ivy tells them, hugging her in laws.

"Happy anniversary grandpa Richard and grandma Catherine!" Alexus, Christopher, and Aurora yell as they hold out pictures they drew.

"Oh, well look at those. How about you help grandma find a spot for those on the fridge, yeah?" Catherine asks, leading her three oldest grandchildren and Maggie into the kitchen.

"Here," Richard takes the stroller so Ivy can take her coat off, "Well, look at you two. So big now," he lifts Aria and takes her coat off as Ivy does the same with Adelia.

Ivy laughs as they make their way into the living room where Catherine hands her a glass of wine, "I know. I swear, one day I'm gonna blink and I'll be at their college graduation and Jackson and I will be empty nesters."

Catherine smiles, taking Aria from Richard and sitting next to Ivy as the other kids find their collection of toys Catherine has for them, "I felt that way about Jackson. Now he's a father to five! It's still crazy to me sometimes."

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