Twin Girls!

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"I swear to God, if you don't get these babies out of me, I will kill you! This is all your fault Jackson Avery!" Ivy screams.

Carina smiles as she enters the room, "I see all is going well in here."

Jackson chuckles out of fear, "How soon can we get the girls out of her? Preferably before she kills me."

She shakes her head, laughing him off, "It won't take long. Now, we decided that you wanted a c-section, has that changed?"

"No. C-section is safest for the babies and I. How soon can we head up and get them out of me? I don't have the best luck with births going smoothly so the faster we go up, the faster I can make sure my babies stay healthy," Ivy rubs her bump, laying her head back against the pillow.

"Sadly, all the ORs are booked for the next hour or so. You are first priority, Ginger made sure," Carina assures them.

"Yup, have to make sure these little ones are okay. The only thing that will stop you from getting into that OR is a major trauma," Ginger tells them from the doorway.

Ivy groans, "Now you jinxed me. I will be waiting here till my babies just decide to go out the natural way. Watch, a freaking building explodes and all the victims come here. Filling up the ORs for hours."

Jackson smoothes back his wife's hair, "Don't you think you're being a little unreasonable, sweetheart?"

"I am giving birth to your babies. If you call me unreasonable again, I will take that scapel and-"

"Would you like an epidural?" Carina asks.

"I would love one."

Ivy hits Jacksons arm, "She meant me, and yes. I would."

*Owen's POV*

Teddy calls out, "Alright, we have five incoming traumas. Clear the OR board. And can someone page Shepherd-Avery? She should be here."

Meredith looks up from getting her gloves on, "Oh, right, you all left before it happened. Um, Ivy and Jackson are here. Ivys in labor."

"What?!" The attendings shout, looking go her.

"Uh, yeah. Carina is up with them now."

Amelia chuckles, "Shes supposed to give birth via a c-section. With this trauma, it's going to be a little while longer until that happens. I'd hate to be Jackson right now. Who wants to go check on them?"

Owen raises his hand, "I'll go."

Bailey hums, "Into the witches den you go."

"I'll be fine. It's Ivy. What's the worse she can do to me?" Owen asks.

"Your right. Hurry, traumas coming in and we're gonna need all hands on deck," Webber shoos him off.

He nods, running in and up to the maternity floor. Standing outside Ivys room, he hears yelling, "I knew it! The moment Ginger said it, I knew it! Of course a trauma comes in right now. You know what? Get me my scrubs. They are gonna need all hands on deck and I have nothing else to do until it's over anyways."

"Whoa. Whoa, no. Ivy, sit down. Your water broke, you shouldn't go anywhere right now," Jackson tries keeping his wife in the bed.

"Babe, I won't treat any patients, I'll just sit behind the nurses desk and direct the flow of traffic. Speed things up and get me and the babies into an OR faster. Technically, I'm head of trauma so I can decide what happens in my ER. Let me up," Ivy argues.

Owen knocks on the door, "Um, hey. How are you two doing?"

The couple stare at him, "Great."

Ivy quickly gets up, putting on her Grey Sloan sweatshirt, "Now, either you two help me down to the ER or I hobble myself down there without your help. Chose quickly."

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