Andrew DeLuca

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Ivy stands in the ambulance bay. Schmitt runs out to join her, "I called up to the blood bank to have type B blood on standby. Hopefully, it's a sign. You know, be positive."

She shakes her head, focusing on helping the patient, "Rig's here."

As the doors open, Ivy is shocked to see Carina DeLuca jump out, "Carina? What the hell?"

"It's Andrea."


Ben rolls out the gurney, Ivy's own mentee on it, "Stab wound to the abdomen, possibly into the chest. Slightly hypotensive and tachycardic after one liter of NS."

Schmitt asks them, "What happened?"

"He was following a sex trafficker, and she attacked him," Maya Bishop tells them as she hops out of the rig.

"They got her. I-I think I'm okay. I promised that I was going to be okay," Andrew says, coughing through the oxygen mask slightly.

"Andrew, I need you to try not to talk. It's Ivy. You're at Grey Sloan. Let's get him into trauma one. Let's move," Ivy starts moving before she feels Carina pull her back slightly.

"Ivy, please save him. Please."

She nods, "I'm gonna do everything I can. Trust me, I don't want to lose him either."


Standing in trauma one, Ivy does an ultrasound, "There's fluid in his abdomen and around his heart."

Ben tries talking to Andrew, "How you feeling, DeLuca?"

"Like I got stabbed," He comments.

"Chest films are up," Schmitt gets Ivy's attention.

"Andrew, you have a hemothroax. I'm gonna have to place a chest tube, okay? Schmitt, hang another unit," Ivy quickly make san incision not noticing Owen join the room, "Here is comes," She moves quickly, doing everything she can to ignore his groans of pain.

"BP's still dropping," Ben tells her.

Ivy shakes her head, sighing, "Okay, call the OR. Tell them we're on our way up, okay?"

Carina steps forward, "Hey, I want to go with him."

Andrew shakes his head, "Carina, no."

"Andrea, I want to come with you," Carina pleads.

Ivy steps in front of the OB, "Carina, I'm sorry, but he's right. I know that more than anything right now, you want to be with him everywhere. Watching every move we make but you can't. You are gonna have to trust us. Please. Good? Let's move."


Walking towards the OR with Owen, Ivy is greeted by Richard, "You're gonna do an ex-lap and a sternotomy? Is that necessary?"

"His FAST exam indicates cardiac injury," Ivy says, pretending that this is any other person than Andrew DeLuca.

"Then I'll scrub in."

"Richard," Ivy turns toward him, "Respectfully, you haven't operated in months and I don't think scrubbing in on this is the way to jump back in. Owen has made a case for Teddy to operate. I've already paged Altman and she'll meet me in the OR. If you want to bicker about this, please don't do it with me. I need to focus on my patient. Go check on Bailey and Mer, watch from the observation deck for all I care, but leave me alone until we are through this."

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