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Ivy sits next to Jackson, listening as Richard started their meeting, "Uh, let's start with regional updates. Uh, Hunt? Shepherd-Avery?"

"Shouldn't we start with an update on Meredith Grey?" The trauma surgeon asks.

After resigning as Chief of Chiefs and taking herself off of Meredith's case, Ivy had become head of trauma with her former mentor.

"Yeah. I mean, has her IS improved?" Jackson questions, the two not having seen each other basically the whole day so he hasn't gotten an update on Meredith yet.

"Yeah. Is she on a proning schedule?" Bailey adds.

"People, people. I know we're all concerned, but Meredith is getting excellent care from Altman and DeLuca. She's stable and she's resting," Ivy's newest trauma surgeon nods in agreement at her as Richard continues, "In the meantime, we have a hospital full of patients who need us. Hunt? Shepherd-Avery?"

Ivy looks at her clipboard, hating how high the numbers are, "Yesterday, Seattle reported 345 more cases, 29 deaths. Test positivity rate has increased to 4.7%, so in other words, we need to prepare for more patients."

Richard nods, "COVID ICU?"

"Beds are at 68% capacity. We'll likely need more by the end of the month," Andrew tells him, causing Ivy to give him a proud smile.

Months ago, Ivy didn't know if she would get to see Andrew DeLuca be the surgeon he was capable of being. Now he's surpassed her guesses.

"53 of the 72 ventilators are currently in use."

"But are there any cases that warrant discussion?" He asks.

Tom's voice comes on over the tablet, seeing as he had tested positive, "Hi. Hello. I've got one. Me."

Richard looks down at the tablet, "K-Koracick? How did you-"

"I-I've got connections. I'm emeritus chief of chiefs," He says.

"Actually thats Ivy."

Tom sighs, "Okay, the grandfather of chief of cheifs."

Ivy rolls her eyes, "That is not a thing."

He cuts her off, "As I'm sure Hunt gleefully told you, I tested positive for COVID. But I think the test was a dud. Breathing's normal, good heart rate, singing voice unaffected-"

"Please don't show us."

"That does not change the rules. A negative COVID test or a 14-day quarantine. You're not even close," Richard tells the neuro surgeon.

Ivy watches as Jackson stands up, admiring him in his sweatshirt as Tom tries to argue, "Then send me a new test. And can you adjust my camera angle? As lovely as the ceiling is, I-" He's cutoff when Jackson flips the tablet face down.

There's some laughter as Ivy taps on the table she's sitting on three times. Jackson taps his watch three times.


Ivy and Jackson walk out of the hospital, taking their masks off, "I am off to my hotel room. To enjoy another night by myself. You know, all the times I asked for alone time, away from the kids, this is not what I meant."

"I know," Jackson laughs before asking, "When was your last negative test?"

"Today. When was yours?"

"Today. Meaning that we are both negative. Why don't you come home and we can-"

She smiles, jumping up and down, "-Enjoy time together outside of this hospital for the first time in over a month? Have sex for the first time in over a month? Yeah, let's go."

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