New Ortho Team

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Ivy smiles as she pours herself a glass of orange juice, "DeLuca, come on, get up! We have to go to work."

Jackson groans as he walks down stairs, "Whoa. Mess. Not a dream."

"No, more like a freaking nightmare. I've already called the cleaning service and Melissa is dropping the kids off at daycare and school and will be picking them up around 3," Ivy greets her husband, giving him a kiss.

"April and Matthew and Jo and Alex all got married while the rest of us got painfully drunk," Jackson sighs, sitting on the steps.

"You see this right here," Ivy gestures at him, "Is one of the reasons I don't drink."

Jackson pulls Ivy to sit on his lap, "Why do we do that? Number life's most joyous, most vulnerable, most powerful experiences with alcohol- why do we do that?"

Ivy hands him a coffee, "People see it as a celebration. I see it as something that blocks my joy. Or can lead to a road of unhappiness and danger. Are you saying your gonna swear off drinking with me?"

He chuckles, "How about throughout the pregnancy for now? Maybe you'll be able to convince me to continue after."

"I'm sure I can," she leans in to kiss him but pulls away at the last second and picks up a pillow before hitting DeLucas legs, "We have to get ready for work. Come on, up. Stop staring at the ceiling like an idiot."

"Yeah, I have to call in sick, guys," DeLuca groans.

"No. If you call in sick, you're gonna sleep on my couch the entire day and I don't want to deal with that when I get home. So, we are all going to get dressed and since it's a beautiful day, we're gonna walk to work. Come on, let's go," Ivy drags Jackson up the stairs.

Jackson sighs, "Is there any way I can convince you to let us drive?"

She shakes her head, kissing him, "No, what you can do is get dressed."


"We watched as our best friend got married last night. She's truly happy, isn't she?" Jackson asks, holding hands with Ivy.

"She is. Although, I was very surprised on how fast she made the decision to get married. I remember the first time around with Matthew, she stressed for weeks. Then with Luke it was an easy thing. I don't know, maybe April is trusting that this is her path. That a hand is guiding her towards-"

"Hey. Hey! Look out!" Ivy feels herself and Jackson being dragged back before they see a cyclist get hit by a car that was inches from hitting them.

Ivy stands up and quickly makes her to the car, "Ma'am? Ma'am?"


Stepping out of the ambulance, Ivy is greeted by Maggie, "You got this while I go change before helping them?"

"Yeah. Go."

She quickly runs and changes before running back down to see the new ortho surgeons with Jackson and Owen, "I see you've met my new ortho gods."

Link smiles at her, "Ah, Dr. Shepherd, glad your joining us. Is this an ortho or trauma aspect?"

Ivy shrugs, "Merely whatever is needed. Preferably, not ortho. I want to see what you two can do."

Owen and Jackson clear their throats, "Oh, right. Jackson, Owen, this is Atticus Lincoln, our new head of ortho and Nico Kim, ortho fellow. So, plan of attack?"

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