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Ivy bounces Aurora in her arms, trying to calm the sick girl down while trying to call Jackson and getting his voice-mail, "Jacks, hey, I know you are on business, but Aurora is sick. She and everyone else here, tested negative for COVID, but she isn't doing well. Are you gonna be home soon? I love you."

Once she feels Aurora start to settle, she sits on the couch. She hears someone at the door. Before she could stand, Jackson comes in, "Hey. Let me take her. What's wrong? Why is she up this late?

He grabs Aurora, who automatically snuggles into him, "If you listened to any of the messages I left on your phone, you would know that she has a temp of 101, a cough and no appetite. I took everyone to get a rapid test done just in case and we are all negative."

"Oh, lovey, you aren't feeling well?" Jackson kisses her forehead, before doing the same to Ivy, "Take a breath. I'm here now. I can help you now."

"I-I don't know what's wrong with her. I've gone over everything I possibly could. Whooping cough or RSV or rickets. I know I sound like a crazed mom but I'm a crazed mom with a medical degree to back up my theories," She rambles, causing Jackson to chuckle slightly as Ivy paces.

Jackson smiles at her, "It's not rickets."

"People get rickets."

He kisses her forehead again, "Where is everyone else? Sleeping?"

Ivy nods, "Yeah. They went down hours ago. And Garrett has been the best helping me here and he's been helping so much that he passed out on the couch. I had to wake him and help him to his room."

They move to the living room, Jackson still bouncing Aurora, "Breath, Ivy, breath."

When Ivy continues to ramble, Jackson kisses her, effectively shutting her up. She rests her head on his other shoulder, rubbing a hand on Aurora's back before looking around the room at the mess and moving to pick it up, "I haven't been to the hospital much. The kids have been running around like crazy, wondering where you've been. Asking me over and over again while I frankly had no clue."

"How long has my lovey been sick?" Jackson asks, smoothing Aurora's hair down.

"Couple of days. She hasn't wanted to do anything, just lie on me. Not even letting Garrett, Allie or Chris cuddle with her. Only me. Which also means that she needs a bath because she stinks," She sighs, folding the blankets that they had been using.

"Hate to break it to you, but that's you."

"No it's not."

"Hundred percent, you."

Ivy sniffs her shirt before nodding, "Yeah, that is me."

Jackson smiles at her, "Go take a shower."

She tries to argue, "But Jackson-"

"Go. Take a shower, we'll all feel better once you do," He pushes her towards the shower.

"I will be back in ten minutes," Ivy kisses him.

As she's walking away, she hears Jackson talk to Aurora, "Has she ever taken less than a 20 minute shower? I don't think so. Yeah, she's crazy."

"I heard that! And that's why your daughters tell me I have grey hairs all the time."

"You always tell them to be honest."


After her shower, Ivy feels calmer. She walks out, towel drying her hair, "Where's Aurora?"

Jackson looks up from the sandwich he's making, "She cried herself to sleep. I propped her head up to help with the coughing."

She moves forward, wrapping herself around his front, feeling his arms wrap around her, "Thank you."

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