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Ivy holds Aurora as her and Jackson head to daycare to drop her off, Owen meets up with them with Leo, "Hey. Say hi to Aurora."

"You remember Leo, right Rory?" Ivy bounces Aurora slightly.

"Where are the twins?" Owen asks.

"School. Yeah, took them a while to want to go today. Cause Allie, the little princess, had to have the blue lunch bag and Chris, our little prince, had to have the purple pencil pouch. But, after 30 minutes of arguing, they finally got in the car," Jackson sighs, rolling his eyes.

Shaking her head, Ivy chuckles, "It doesn't help that you never say no to them. Or Aurora. Or me to be honest."

Owen laughs, Jackson glaring at him, "You can't say no to her either."

Ivy smiles, "Its the Shepherd in me. Or the being the youngest. Or all of the above."

Her phone starts buzzing as Jackson grabs it for her, "You have a trauma coming in. Here, give me Rory and I'll get her checked in."

"Thank you, love you," Ivy kisses him then kisses Aurora's cheek, "I got this if you got the next one?"

Owen nods as Ivy runs off, well, runs as much as she can six months pregnant with twins.


Putting on her gloves, Ivy looks up to Parker, "Dispatch mentioned there was a shooting downtown?"

"Gunfire at a parade. People just started running. Not quite sure what we're getting," he reveals.

"You know, the is the first sunny day I can remember for weeks. Now families are dodging bullets," she opens the ambulance doors, "What do we got?"

A Scottish man in a kilt jumps out, "We were right in the middle of performing on 24th, and-and my son- he was shot. He was bleeding everywhere."

The paramedics provide a little more detail, "Colin Anderson, 15. Bullet went through his hand and into his chest. Says 87 on four liters of oxygen."

Colin looks around, "Whats happening? Dad?"

"Yeah, you're all right, sonny," his dad reassures him.

"Okay, clear trauma one. Let's go!" Ivy calls out.


Alex comes in, looking to Ivy, "Where do you need me?"

She looks up from what she's doing, "GSW to the right chest and left hand. I put in a chest tube, but he lost his airway before we could hook it up."

His dad asks from the corner of the room, "So, how is he doing?"

"Sir, may I ask what your name is?" Ivy asks, gently.


"We're gonna figure that out, Seamus, okay?" Ivy reassures him.

He spots the blood coming out of the tube, "Oh, God. W-what is happening?"

Alex tells the nurse, "200 cc in the pleurovac."

Ivy speaks up, telling the plan to not only the staff, but to Seamus, "We're gonna have to do a scan to get a better idea of his injuries. Seamus, I'm sorry, but it's best if you step outside."

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