Season 18: Part 1

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Season 18, Episode 3

Ivy smiles as she walks through the doors of Grey Sloan Memorial for the first time in months. She waves at nurses and other surgeons that remember her before stepping onto the elevator. With Jackson and the kids still in Boston, she is going to take her visit in Seattle and have some fun. Visit her family, maybe get a surgery or ten in. Maybe yell at Owen for getting married without her there. Again.

She steps off the elevator to the lobby where she spots one of her favorite redheads hugging one of her favorite sisters, "I know it's like a billion degrees in here, but can I get in on this hug?"

Amelia quickly turns to see Ivy standing there with her arms open and hugs her, "Oh, my god! This is-this is the best day ever!"

Addison laughs, hugging Ivy after Amelia releases her, "What are you doing here? I thought I was the surgeon here for the week to help the residents."

"You are. I have board and foundation business to handle tomorrow. I was hoping that Amy would still be here so that we could go out for some sister dinner. And now my favorite ex-sister-in-law gets to join us."

"Well, we are all going over to Amelia's place. Meredith invited me over for dinner and I'm sure she wouldn't mind you joining," Addison tells them as the two Shepherd's share a look.

"She did? Is that weird?"

Ivy giggles, wrapping an arm around both of them, "Well, I have missed the weird that comes with this place. Boston is quiet, almost too quiet."

Amelia leads them to the elevator, "Did you hear that they had a threesome once?"

"I heard it was a foursome."

The three break out in laughs as they enter the elevator.

"I have never been so happy to be back in these halls. But lets not warn any one else that I am here, I have some Poison Ivy to spread around."

"It's good to have you back," Amelia tells Ivy, resting her head on her shoulder.


Amelia opens the door to the house, "We're here. With an extra visitor! Come meet somebody guys."

Zola and Bailey shout out when they see their aunt, "Aunt Ivy!"

They hug her once she kneels down before directing their attention to Addison, "Zola, Bailey, this is Addison. And where is little Ellis Ivy?"

"Upstairs, she's in a mood."

"She does get that from you," Ivy stands, making her way next to Amelia as Addison greets the kids.

Addison sniffles, tears in her eyes as Bailey asks, "Hi, were you daddy's friend?"

"I was, yes," Addison nods, "Um. I'm, uh, I'm Addison. But he-he called me Addie."

Ivy whispers to Amelia, "I'm gonna go see if Ellis will stop being moody."

Walking upstairs, she knocks on Ellis' door, "Go away, mommy!"

"You know," Ivy watches as Ellis' head shoots up at the sound of her voice, "If Allie or Rory ever yelled like that at me, they wouldn't get any of the ice cream downstairs."

"Auntie Ivy!" Ellis runs over and jumps into Ivy's arms.

"Well, hello Miss. Ellis Ivy. And why are we in a mood?"

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