New York

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Ivy lays in her bed in her hotel room, face timing with Jackson and the kids, "Be good for daddy, promise?"

"We promise, mommy," Alexus sighs, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, we'll help daddy with Aria and Adelia and Rory. You're coming back soon, right mommy?" Christopher asks, poking his head into sight.

"Of course, buddy. I'll be home before you know it. Go get ready for bed while I talk to your dad. Love you," Ivy blows kisses at them.

The twins blow kisses back before running off, Jackson shaking his head, chuckling, "How are you holding up out there? I know you haven't been home in-"

She shakes her head "No, this isn't my home. It hasn't been my home in over a decade. This is my first time back since we met. I'm on constantly on edge, worried that around the corner is just going to be a random Shepherd, cause you know, there's a lot of us. And any Shepherd I randomly run into isn't going to be a good one. I mean, why am I here again? Link could have handled this surgery just fine himself."

Jackson smiles at her, "They specifically requested that you also be there. Catherine Fox's daughter in law working on a patient in their hospital is huge. Not as huge as if Catherine Fox's were working there..."

Ivy smirks, "Is someone jealous that they had to stay home?"

"No, I just miss you. The kids miss you. We wish you were here with us."

"I wish I was with you guys too, especially for the plane ride. Let me tell you, squeezing Amy and Link's hands are nothing to yours," she yawns, looking at the clock, "I should get to bed. Amy texted me a little while ago saying we're getting pizza for breakfast tomorrow morning. I love you."

"I love you too. Talk to you tomorrow?"

"Of course. Night."

Hanging up, Ivy plugs her phone in and drops her head onto the pillow. Sighing, she tosses and turns, trying to get comfortable in the bug, empty bed. Once she finds a comfortable position, the silence is broken by the sound of a squeaky bed coming from the room next door. She ignores it until she remembers that Link has the room next to her.

"Now that's just gross."


Ivy eats her pizza while looking between Amelia and Link, "I'm still questioning pizza as a breakfast food, I mean, don't get me wrong."

Amelia nods, handing Ivy a napkin, "Yeah, how's you know about this place?"

"It was part of my wish," Link tells them, swallowing the piece in his mouth.

"You wished for perfect pizza? From a fairy godmother?"

"Cancer kids who are in as bad a shape as I was get wishes. Osteosarcoma. Age 10. Full remission," Link says.

Ivy nods, eating her pizza as Amelia asks, "What'd you wish for?"

Link says it like it's so obvious, "Baseball game at Shea Stadium. I got to meet my favorite player, Dwight Gooden. I remember thinking, I'll be back. And the next time was with the Mariners as the team doctor."

"That is impressive," the Shepherd sisters say.

"Nothing will beat that first time out here. I ate here five times. Even got a picture out front. Oh, and there was this great donut place right around the corner. Um...Gotham Donuts! Best glazed donut I've ever had. That was, uh- well, that was our last trip together before the divorce. Uh, I guess this city reminds me of better times," Link smiles.

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