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Ivy leans against the door, listening as Wilson practices her speech, "Your boss, your comander, your overlord, your queen. It means when I speak, you listen! And when you make mistakes, it reflects on me. So no mistakes."

"Wilson, your trying to hard," she tells her, stealing the burrito from Alex's hand.


"Quiet. Teaching moment," Ivy shushes him.

Alex blinks at her, "Wow. Flashback to fifth year."

Ivy smiles before turning back to Wilson, "My point exactly. You've gotta be tough without being harsh. Subtle threats, small little shows of authority are best when being in the position of chief resident."

She nods, "Thats right. You were chief resident."

"Yup. And I had to go down for the mistakes made by Alex Karev, April Kepner, Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang and Jackson Avery as well as many residents below us. Not only did I deal with their mistakes, but also their begging for surgeries," Ivy recalls, rolling her eyes at the problems she had to deal with.

"We weren't that bad."

"First day of fifth year, Meredith got fired, Cristina tried to kill you, and everyone was at everyone else's throats. You are all lucky I didn't kill you. Now, Wilson, be firm. Don't back down. But be approachable. Hold your own and don't bow down to anyone. Don't give in to residents begging for surgeries. Your job is to make the attendings lives easier, not the residents. Residency is a bitch. Don't make it easier on them."


Ivy stands in the back of the elevator, watching as Owen and Carina smile at each other before Arizona comes in.




She chuckles, "Now that we've established that it's morning..."


Ivy talks with a patient who is a little hard of hearing, "Okay, ma'am!" She walks away with one of the nurses, "I swear that poor lady didn't hear a word I said. Bolus her with 250 of NS?"

"On it."

She quickly makes her way over to Owen, "So, Carina DeLuca, huh? That was fast."

Owen shakes his head, "I am newly single. It's just fun. And I don't think this is appropriate conversation for us seeing as my ex-wife is your sister."

Ivy snorts, "Please, Amy and I talk-"

The lady's monitor starts flatlinging, "Crash cart! Come on, charge to 200."

Suddenly, all the monitors start to show flat lines. Bello runs around, "Why is everybody dying?!"

She looks around as the patients are all okay but the monitors aren't. Ivy looks to Owen, "I'm going to go upstairs, see what's going on there."


Ivy goes up to the cardio wing and sees Jackson and Maggie staring at the monitors all going off, "You guys too? The entire ER just showed to be dying. Maybe we can-"

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