Not Giving Up

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Ivy shakes her head, barely able to digest what Amelia just told her, "So, Link may be the baby's father but Owen has a chance it might be his too?"


"Insane. Your situation is insane. You're getting a paternity test, right?" Ivy asks her sister, "Or are you going to wait a see if it's a ginger or a muscle man?"

"A paternity test won't change how I feel about Link," Amelia doesn't answer.

She sighs, "No, but it could be important. Link has a history of cancer. You need to know the father's medical history incase something happens down the road. Besides, Link is super excited to have a baby and Owen is happily engaged to Teddy. Taking a paternity test would be the smart thing to do."

Amelia nods, sighing, "I know, but-"

"No. You can convince yourself some other way than telling me," Ivy says, walking into the attendings lounge.

"Fine," Amelia changes into her scrubs and looks over Meredith's shoulder at her texts with Cristina, "Any Maggie sightings today?"

Meredith puts her phone down and thinks, "Uh, well, I sent Zola up with food. She refused it. We'll know when to push. And if that doesn't work, Ivy will help."

Amelia sighs, "I wish I could just stay in bed. I actually might. I might go back to bed. No. Not doing that. I'm gonna be brave. I'm gonna face this. First chance I get. Rigorous honesty."

Ivy nods, tying her shoes as Amelia struggles to tie hers, Meredith whispering to Ivy, "What are we talking about?"

Hayes comes in and notices Amelia struggling, "Um...may I? I'm Cormac Hayes," he bends down to tie her shoes.

"Amelia. And... God, yes. I-I mean...yes, that is...very helpful," Amelia stutters.

"Forgive her," Ivy moves to stand behind her sister, "Baby brain," she covers Amelia's ears, "Or old age. It's getting harder to tell."

"Hey," Amelia taps Ivys arm, "I heard that!"

Hayes turns to Meredith, "Dr. Grey. Morning."

"Hello," Meredith says.

"Chief Shepherd-Avery. Coffee?" Hayes makes his way over to the coffee pot.

Meredith points at herself, "Me?"

He nods, "Yeah. And Chief Shepherd-Avery."

"No," Meredith shakes her head, "I'm good. Thanks."

"I'll take a cup. I have to go update Bailey," Ivy accepts the cup from Hayes, "Thank you, Dr. Hayes. See you two later and Amy, think about what I said."

As she leaves the room, Hayes turns to the other two in the room, "She's always on the go, is she not?"

"She's always been like that. Its very helpful if your unorganized."


Ivy walks with Jo as she fills her in on the ER, "Plastics needs to look at the facial lac in bed six. MVC victim in trauma two is about to go up to CT. I've got ortho on the way to assess the girl in bed four," they make their way to the nurses desk as Teddy looks through everything on the desk, "Dr. Altman?"

"Yeah?" Teddy doesn't look at them.

"What are you doing?" Ivy asks, sipping her coffee.

"I lost my engagement ring," Teddy freaks out.

Ivy shrugs, "Oh."

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