12 Year Old Boy

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**TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of police brutality, shooting**

Ivy looked over Stadlers scans, "Can I get a hand in here?!"

He starts crying out as Ivy tries to numb some of the cuts so she can stitch him up, "We've got you. Okay."

"Hit and run?" Meredith asks her.

She nods, "He's just now waking up. Dr. Stadler, calm down. We're trying to help you, okay? Feel a little stick here."

"Are there any suspects?"

"I have no clue, Mer. Don't worry, I won't lose him. Go, I've got this," Ivy nods for her to get out and check on Wilson.

Ivy sees an intern pass by, "Hey, Helm! Get in here and staple up this head lac and then get him up to CT."

As she leaves the trauma room, Owen follows her and asks, "So, what happened to Stadler?"

She looks back to check on Helm, "Hit and run. Sending him up to CT. So, Webber asked me to lead the Grey Sloan Medical Innovation contest. The entire thing."

"Do you want it?"

"Yes, because I don't have time to try and figure out an innovative idea to when said contest, so I'll judge it. Plus, judging people is something I'm very good at," Ivy smiles, filling in Stadlers chart.

"I would say you're better at bossing people ar-" Ivy glares at him, "Oh, look, a cart that needs reorganizing, I'm gonna go do that."


Ivy snaps on a gown and gloves before entering a trauma room, "Hey, I was pag- oh, mom in labor. Okay."

April gives her a pained smile, "You remember Matthew. And his wife, Karin."

She has to take a breath to stop herself from glaring at them both, "I do. Yes, what do you need?"

"Help, I am being paged so can you-"

Ivys pager starts going off, "I can't. Sorry. You're already elbow deep in her vagina and I'm not, so, page Robbins and I'm gonna head to this page. Good luck to all, some more than others," she glares at Matthew on her way out.


Checking on some scans, Ivy sees Bailey and Jackson suiting up, "Whats coming in?"

"Ben called. He got a GSW coming in," Bailey tells her.

Jackson looks to Bailey, "Are you ready for this?"

Ivy follows them out to the ambulance bay where their met with almost half a dozen police cars, "Eric Sterling. 12 years old. Vital signs stable. Airways intact. No hard signs of vascular injury."

"Police shot him in the neck while he was climbing through a window, but Eric says it was his own house," they start wheeling him in to the ER, "So, you gonna take those cuffs off or what?!"

"He was breaking into a house," An officer tells him.

"He already told you it was his own damn house!" Ben argues.

The officer just follows them, "Look, we weren't at the scene, but we were dispatched to guard the perp."

Ben shakes his head, "No, he's not a perp, all right? If you would just listen to him."

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