No Sides

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Ivy lays her head on Jacksons lap as he runs his finger through her hair, "Dinner was nice with your mom and Richard last night, yeah?"

Jackson sighs, "Yeah, and I have a surgery with them today."

"A pelvicexenteratron that spares the uterus, to be exact," Catherine's voice floats down the hall, suprising the couple.

"And the patients ready for us," Webber adds.


Ivy lifts her head so Jackson can get up, then lays it back down, "Talk to you three later?"

Catherine smiles, kissing her daughter in laws forehead, "Of course, sweetheart."

"Behave. And eat something, please. You barely ate your breakfast this morning," Jackson kisses her, before kissing her little bump, "And you behave too."

Ginger pats Jackson on the back, "Don't worry, Dr. Avery, I've got her."

"Thats really not necessary, Ginger. I can take care of myself," Ivy sits up as Jackson follows his mom and stepfather.

"Well, I'm here anyways. Come on, you've got consults. Here's an apple for on the go," Ginger hands her an IPad and an apple before pushing her towards her first consult.


Ivy looks around the ER, taking notice of all the coughing and sneezing. Owen walks over to her, IV in his arm, "Nope. Shepherd-Avery, you have been moved for ortho for at least today. You're pregnant and I don't want you to catch the flu," he sneezes.

She crosses her arms, "You mean like you?"


"Owen, I'm not happy with you. Wait, that's a lie, I'm not happy with a person in your life. You can help both yourself and her by being honest with me," Ivy eyes him.

"About how I feel about Teddy or...?"

Ivy shrugs, "Anything. Literally anything. Like, do you still have feeling for my sister? Do you still want to be with Teddy? Who do you want to be with more? But as much as I want the answers to those questions, it's extra German in here today, so I'll be upstairs. Watching my mother in law and husband and stepfather in law in surgery."


Tapping her foot, Ivy watches as the OR and surgeons prep for the surgery, "This isn't a simple surgery, is it?" Maggie asks her.

"Nope. But this is Catherine Fox and her boys, if anyone can do it, it's them," Ivy watches as Catherine makes the first incision.

"Is she symptomatic?"

Ivy nods, "Yeah, and pissed. Apparently, Mer lied when she told me that Catherine gave her permission to tell me."

Maggie chuckles, "Thats a mess."

Ginger startles them, "Speaking of messes, Dr. Shepherd-Avery, you're needed in OR three. Dr. Hunt, well, I can't explain it. Just hurry."

"This doesn't sound good."


Ivy stands off to the side as DeLuca does the surgery, "So, Hunt was given paralytics?"

DeLuca nods, "Yes, but it was a mistake, and we got him incubated and off to a room. And I've also isolate the area of perforation and washed her out."

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