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Ivy and Jackson quickly run inside as the wind grows more and more fierce, "God, it's supposed to get worse today, too. I'm glad that Melissa is staying home with the kids today. I'm must less worried with them with her."

Jackson nods, moving fly away pieces of hair out of her face, "Me too. ER is gonna be packed today."

"Yeah, and I'm kind of looking forward to it. I miss that rush," she smiles, jumping slightly in excitement.

He eyes her, "Should I be worried about you?"

"No, we should go change cause Owens paging me."


"Update," Ivy tells Owen and the interns as they head to the ER.

"We got burns, car-wreck injuries, and flying debris has given us a ton of blunt injuries and several penetrating traumas," Owen tells her as they enter a chaotic ER.

Ivy smiles, talking to the interns, "You are gonna love this."

They look around and see no organization, selfie sticks through people's heads, glass in stomachs, "We're supposed to love this?"

"Shepherd-Avery, I don't think we have room to treat all these patients, and Seattle Pres is already closed to trauma," Owen informs her.

She looks around before moving to stand on a chair, Owen quickly standing guard incase she falls, "Everyone, quiet!" They all fall silent and look at her, "All stable patients will be moved upstairs in order to clear beds. Disaster supplies will be stacked on all floors, and the blood bank will be notified to have extra units on standby. We are staying open for trauma, but sheltering in place. That wind storm may be knocking things down, but this hospital is not one of them, we have survived too much."

Everyone applaudes and cheers as Ivy smiles to herself, accepting Owens help down, "Why weren't you chosen as chief?"

"Hell if I know. Though, being a board member and chief and hospital owner might be a bit much while also being pregnant."


Ivy points the latest patient into the trauma room, "Trauma one, go, go, go."

Owen puts on a fresh pair of gloves as Ivy listens to a patients lungs, "Next incoming trauma can go to procedure room four. All trauma rooms are full. Avery needs me in one. You got-"

"This isn't my first rodeo, Hunt. I'm good. Go," Schmitt makes his way over to her, "Schmitt, I told you trauma two."

"Trauma twos the-the selfie stick in the brain, and-"

She turns to Helm who, with Nico, joins them, "Helm, you got a problem with brains?"

Helm shakes her head, "Love brains."

"Trauma two. Schmitt, you and Dr. Kim, here, go to the clinic. We need to clear the patients per protocol," Ivy directs.

"On it," Nico heads out to the clinic.

Schmitt tries to take back, "I'm not afraid anymore. Of the s-selfie stick. I can do it."

Ivy pushes him out, "No take backs."

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