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Ivy lays in bed, Aria and Adelia resting on her chest, "And then mommy raced uncle Derek home, beating him and winning the prize of an ice cream sundae. Cause your mommy is the best!"

Jackson chuckles from the door, "I hate to break up mother/daughters bonding time, but Amelia is here and wants to talk to you."

"Have her come and lay up here. I'm too comfortable to move," Ivy tells him, hugging her babies.

"I'm keeping the baby," Amelia says, appearing in the doorway before Jackson has a chance to leave.

"Okay, sounds like some sister talk time is needed. Should I take the girls?"

She shakes her head, "Nah, Amy and I got them. Go to work and remember you have to pick Aurora up from Kennedys house at 7."

He nods, before leaving the Shepherd women to their talk. Amelia lays next to her sister before taking Adelia, "I'm keeping the baby."

Ivy chuckles, "I got that part. Are we happy?"

"We are...bewildered," Amelia smiles, rocking Adelia.

Aria babbles at Ivy to get her attention as she asks, "I mean, how is this gonna work? Are you and Link moving in together? Does Mer know? Does Maggie know?"



"No! No, no one knows!" Amelia softly shouts, startlingly Adelia a little who fusses.

Ivy smiles, "Except me because momma is the favorite sister. Yes she is," she baby talks to Aria who giggles at her moms voice.

Amelia tickles the twins bellies, "Now tell me how these little cuties are doing? Growing well? Getting into trouble like their momma and aunt Ivy?"

"If my kids turn out anything like us, I'm gonna go crazy. Jackson will have to commit me," Ivy jokes, slightly before looking at Aria in the eyes, "You better not cause trouble for me and your dad or we'll have problems."

She turns to Adelia, "That goes for you too, missy. No giving me grey hairs anytime soon."


Ivy walks down the hall, DeLuca behind her, "You are running the ICU because I'm busy with Foundation stuff and doing Tom Koracicks job so he doesn't screw up my mother-in-laws hard work. Any questions?"

DeLuca starts smiling, joking with his favorite attending, "Yeah, how do you really feel about Koracick?"

"Would you like scut for a month?" Ivy laughs, letting him know she's joking.

"I'd like to know how long it is until you just take your rightful title as chief of chiefs. Maybe you can make life easier for all of us," DeLuca says, stopping at the nurses desk.

Ivy rolls her eyes, "Glad you want me in that position just to make your life easier. Just for that, you're rounding on my pre and post-op patients as well. Get to it."

He calls out to her as she walks away, "This is why your my favorite teacher."


Standing in an elevator with her sister, Ivy shrugs at Amelia's question, "Its not lying not to tell people, right?"

"Its your first trimester. Jackson and I didn't tell anyone we were pregnant until our second trimester. Except, by then, I was showing so much cause it was usually twins that people just guessed. Plus, my sex-drive increased tenfold," Ivy shares with her sister.

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