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Ivy stretches as she gets up to tend to the twins, "Why did we think another kid was a good idea?"

Jackson just sleeps, "Why would I expect a response. That's a crazy idea. I mean, it's not like I'm going back to work tomorrow or anything. And now I'm talking to myself."

Aria and Adelia cry until Ivy gets to their room. She first picks Aria up as she's crying the hardest, "Shh, shh. Mommas here. I'm here, it's okay."

"Mommy?" Ivy startles as she hears Christopher's voice.

"Chris, honey, you should be in bed. Why aren't you?"

"Aria and Addie's crying woke me up. Can I help?" He climbs into the rocking chair and holds his arms out.

Ivy takes a moment to think, but since Aria has calmed down, she didn't see the harm, "Okay, but remember, support her head. There, just like that," Aria snuggles closer to her older brother, "Look at that. She likes you."

"I like her too."

After getting the twins and Christopher back to bed, Ivy makes her way back to her bedroom. She eyes a sleeping Jackson, "Hmm. Your son was just more helpful than you were."


Clipping her ID to her jacket, Ivy listens to Alex, "Hey, so Hunt and Altman have personal days today, which means that you have the pit by yourself. Can you handle it or should I get Bailey to help you?"

"Are you doubting my abilities to run my ER?" Ivy tests.

"Never. You are not one that I have ever doubted. But you did just pop two babies out two months ago and it's your first day back so I want you to know you have the staffs full support if you need it," Alex reminds her.

Ivy smiles, "I'm gonna miss you as chief. You are so much easier to work with. I'll be fine," they start to go their separate ways, "Hey, you're good to do my kids checkups next week, right?"

Alex nods, "Yes, I'll be there. Relax, will you?"


Yawning, Ivy finds Jackson talking with the ortho team for his rhino-plasty today. She wraps her arms around his waist and lays her head on his chest, "Is someone tired?"

Ivy nods, closing her eyes.

"Do you want coffee? You look like you want coffee," Jo asks.

"I want coffee and a surgery. But since Altman and Hunt are out today, I have to cover the pit. Which means no surgery for Ivy. So, yes, I'll take the coffee," Ivy doesn't open her eyes as Jacksons arms go around her.

"Schmitt, get Dr. Shepherd-Avery a coffee. Then your on her service," Link tells the intern.

She sighs, "I'll be down in the pit. I need a surgery."

Jackson kisses the top of her head, "What are you gonna do after your nerve surgery and you can't operate for months?"

"Enjoy the fact that I have my leg back. Schmitt. Coffee, let's go! I'll be more pleasant the more caffeine I have."


Standing in the ER, Ivy accepts the coffee Schmitt hands her and points, "Bed three. Frank Nelstadt, 47. Chief complaint- fever, sore throat, productive cough. O2 sat 88% on room air. Enjoy, as I enjoy my coffee."

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