Wake Up, Please

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Jackson lifts his head from his position next to Ivys bed when he hears DeLuca and the interns come in, "Sorry, Dr. Avery, but it's time for morning rounds."

"No, no problem. How are her latest tests looking?" Jackson asks, stretching.

"Dr. Koracick told us that you weren't allowed to see them. That we should treat you as Dr. Shepherd-Avery's husband only. Not a surgeon," DeLuca shakes his head, passing the results to Schmitt before taking out his stethoscope.

"I pay you! Let me see my wife's chart-"

Koracick interrupts Jacksons rant, being followed in by Amelia and Link, "Avery, stop harassing the interns and listen. Bad news is we still have no idea what caused the complications in Ivy's surgery but the good news is that her tests are looking better. My hope is that she will wake up soon."

Jackson throws his hands up, "Soon? How soon? Cause I have five kids at home wondering where the hell their mother is. I have two newborns who won't go to sleep unless I play a recording of the their mothers voice. And I have no clue how to tell them that their mother is in a coma because of a surgery I all but pushed on her. So how soon is soon?!"

Alex comes in, hearing Jacksons shouts, "Come on, man, let's take a walk. Don't you have a patient?"


"Go. Treat your patients, do some research, visit your kids. Then, when you're calm, come back and sit with your wife," Alex pats his back, "And while your focusing on other things, can you take Jo? It's her first day back."

Jackson runs a hand over his face, studying Ivy's before nodding, "Yeah, okay. Can you keep an eye on her? Please? I don't want her alone."

He pats his shoulder before chuckling, "You take my wife, I'll take yours."


Alex sits next to Ivy's bed, "So, Shepherd, this is wrong and you know it. You should be up and bossing all of us around, hanging out with your kids, correcting all of the mistakes being made. Hell, you could be making calls for me to find me the rare blood I need. In other words, you need to wake up because Jackson is losing it and none of us want to see that."

"I never thought I would say these words, but Karev's right. You can go back now," Mark tells his sister, crossing his arms as he stands behind Alex.

"I'm trying, Mark. Trust me, I would way rather be there but I don't know what's keeping me here."

Derek nods, "I felt that way the night of my accident."

"Cause that makes me feel better."

Mark chuckles, "Okay, we can stay until you go back, but you are going back cause take it from me, watching your kids grow up from afar is not pleasant."


Amelia blows air out of her mouth before sitting in the chair beside Ivy's bed, "I just visited the kids in daycare. They miss you. Jackson misses you. A lot. Tom told me Jackson almost punched him. I joked that he has to wait till you wake up or someone can record it for you because you've been waiting to see that for months now. So, wake up soon so Tom can get punched. Come on, sit up and tell us everything we're doing wrong."

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