Surgery for the Leg

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Ivy laughs as the twins run to the hospital doors, rushing to push them open, "Its almost as if they are more excited then I am for this surgery."

Jackson chuckles as Aurora tries to run after her siblings but stumbling, "They are just excited for their mom."

"Yes, which is why they are here and not with Melissa at home. I appreciate that they want to be here, but who's gonna watch-"

"My mom and Ginger. Mom took the day off and Ginger is the nurse assigned to monitor you so they will be with you. The twins will at least, Aurora and the girls will be in daycare. Relax, Koracick and I got you," Jackson wraps an arm around her shoulders, kissing her temple.

"I know that, believe me, but I'm still worried about the kids. What if something goes wrong and their there and see it?" Ivy asks, calling out to the kids, "Hey! Be careful, people are walking."

Ginger pops up, holding Aurora as the twins stand next to her, "Don't worry, I got 'em. Come on, Ivy, let's get you prepped for surgery!"

She chuckles nervously, "Okay, but first, Jackson and I need to drop Aurora and the girls off at daycare."

Catherine takes the stroller, holding the youngest twins, from Ivy, "Don't worry, dear. I've got them. You go get settled into your room and meet with your team. I've got these little ones."

"Okay. Aurora, come here," Ivy waves her daughter over to her, giving her a hug and a kiss before kissing Aria and Adelia's heads, "Okay, I'm ready."

Jackson and Catherine share a smile before the older woman takes her three youngest grandchildren to daycare. Ivy holds hand with the twins as Jackson leads them to her room.

Koracick, Amelia, Meredith and Owen are all in the room when the Avery family arrive, "You sure like to take your sweet time, don't you, Shepherd."

"If you weren't the neurosurgeon helping my husband get my leg back on track, I'd sass you more," Ivy jokes, hugging him before turning to her sisters and brother, "You three don't have to be here, you know."

"Yes we do. You're family, which means we are right here with you," Owen kisses the top of her forehead before she goes into the bathroom to change into her hospital gown.

"Alright, Ivy, you ready? It's gonna be a long and busy day, but this is an elective surgery. Your leg is healthy, minus all that nerve damage and scarring, but you could continue to live life normally without this procedure. Are you one 100% sure you want this? There are no guarantees that it will work," Tom tells her, making sure she knows what she wants.

Ivy smiles, looking around at the family surrounding her before nodding, "This is what I want. My leg is yours to do with."

"All right. Let's go over the game plan."


Watching the twins, Ivy relaxes as Jackson and Tom go over her scans in another room. Meredith walks in with a coffee in her hand, "I'd offer you a cup but you have surgery in an hour."

Ivy chuckles, "I appreciate the thought. Is your turn to babysit?"

"I'm not babysitting the twins," Meredith shakes her head, smiling as Alexus and Christopher color a picture.

"I wasn't talking about the twins. I know you all are taking turns sitting with me since Jackson is a surgeon today and not a husband."

She laughs, "You got us. I don't know why they thought we could hide it from you."

Ivy shrugs, trying to get conformable in the extremely uncomfortable bed, "You all aren't subtle. Plus, Jackson is easily readable by this point in our marriage. Do you know how my scans are looking?"

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