Fight for You

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Ivy walks with Jackson into the hospital, greeted by the clap-in that greets the hospital staff at the beginning and end of every shift change. Her and Jackson share a small smile through their masks as they enter hell.


*Months Prior*

Walking to the OR board after her latest hip replacement surgery, Ivy sees Meredith talking to Bailey and Carina, "So, Andrew's in the on-call room on three. He didn't even want to come in today, but I didn't think he should be alone, so..."

"Right. Because you're so concerned about his well-being. This is unbelievable," Carina starts to walk away.

"Carina, Meredith cares. Has something changed since I last talked to him?" Ivy interrupts, erasing her name off the board. 

"He could barely get up after Richard's surgery," Meredith tells her and Bailey, who also looked confused.

Ivy nods, remembering what she read about BPD, "It's the depression that comes after the mania, right?"

Carina agrees, "Correct," She turns to Meredith, "You knew this happens, b-but you pushed him anyways," Turns to Bailey, "And you let her."

Bailey points to Ivy as Carina turns to walk away again, "What about Shepherd-Avery?"

"I did everything I could. I made sure he ate, made deals with him to get him to sleep, and I kept Carina updated as much as possible. Don't try and turn this on me, it never works."


*April 2020*

Standing in the line in front of Jackson, Ivy facetimes with Garrett, "And you are helping Amy and Link with all the kids, right? They have a newborn plus eight other little kids and a teenager. Anything you can do is helpful to them."

"Of course, mom. I help the kids with school, I entertain them in the backyard when Scout is down for his nap, and since I graduated early, I have time to help with household chores," Garrett smiles, flipping his camera to show the surprisingly clean living room, "Remember, I was the older foster brother who helped take care of younger kids all the time, this is nothing."

"I didn't want that to be the life you had anymore. I wanted you to be a kid," Ivy sighs, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

Garrett rolls his eyes, "Mom, we're in a pandemic. You and dad are saving lives and risking yours everyday. I'm doing the best I can to help all of you," Alexus' voice is vaguely heard over the phone, "I got to go, Allie needs help with math. Love you. Tell dad I love him too."

Ivy angles the phone so it catches Jackson in the background who was listening in on the conversation, "Love you too. Stay safe and don't make any stupid decisions, please."

"C'mon, dad, the stupidest decision I could make, according to the majority of the household, is making regular mac & cheese over the spongebob shape ones."

The parents laugh before saying their final byes and hanging up. Ivy turns to Jackson, "I miss them."

"Me too."


*Months Prior*

Jackson has the youngest twins in their height chairs as Ivy puts on a movie for the other kids to watch. Kissing Jackson quickly, then the top of the twins heads, she makes her way to their teenagers room, knocking on the door, "Hey. You finish that last assignment?"

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