Who's Job?

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Ivy stands in the elevator with Tom, Owen, and Link, "First day back, right?" Link asks Owen.

Owen nods, "Yeah. Morning, Tom, Ivy."

"Oh, shoot. Is this weird for you? We've all shared the same, mm, how should I say it? Pastimes?" Tom asks, gesturing to the men.

"I've never felt more nauseated and I've been pregnant three times," Ivy comments, moving forward towards the doors.

"You have poo on your collar," Tom tells Owen, "Made you look. Oh, you are such a stand-up guy. Leaving Teddy all alone in a motel with a new baby."

Ivy scoffs, turning to the man, "Cause women shouldn't be allowed to be left along with the human being they grew, right? Men ejaculate into a woman and automatically get full control over the rest of their lives, right? Hell no, and if you truly think that, I'll slap you."

Tom laughs, "Thats a funny way to talk to your boss. I mean, since your friends went rogue, Catherine made me God of this place. So, practice kneeling. Maybe throw in a few prayers."

Stepping forward, Ivy hits the emergency stop button, startling the men before turning to Tom, "Okay, listen here, ass-hat. The only reason you have that title, and I mean title cause I actually do that job, is because you piss Bailey off better than I do. Let's face it, Tom. I've been doing that job for months and Catherine already said that if I disagree with you, my plan goes through. Because Catherine trusts my judgment. Your just a figure-head. Think about that the next time you tell me to kneel down."

She starts the elevator again as they sit in silence till her floor. She turns and waves, "Toodles."

"Its alright if I admit I'm scared of her, right?" Link whispers to the two men.

Owen nods, "Yeah. Cause I trained her and I'm scared of her."


Ivy walks by the group of residents that Bailey is talking to, "But Alex Karev and Meredith Grey are my creations. I made them the surgeons they are-"

"Are you on this again?" Ivy interrupts, causing the group to turn to her, "Cause you know who else made them the surgeons they are? Richard Webber. Arizona Robbins. Derek Shepherd. And every other attending who's worked here. Hell, I had a little part in making them. I'd like to make my newest trauma soldier so, DeLuca, you're with me."

"Hold up. DeLuca's on my service and as chief I get him," Bailey argues.

"Koracick agreed I get him. Seeing as he's my resident and he's already behind cause of my coma. Don't argue with me Bailey, no one wins against me. Ask Jackson. Or Koracick. DeLuca, let's go," Ivy motions for the resident to follow him.

Helm whispers, "Can I be her?"

Bailey snaps, "No. Cause I didn't make her."


Amelia yanks her sister into a supply closet, "I'm pregnant."

Ivy smiles before asking, "Are we happy about this? How are we-"

A pager goes off, "Crap. I've gotta go. Link and I need to talk about what we're gonna do. Can we grab lunch? Talk through this Cause I need my sister."

"Yeah, of course," as Amelia runs out, Ivy realizes, "Link? Links the farher?"


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