Wedding Catostrophe

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Ivy helps April and the wedding planner get Alex and Jo's wedding ready. She smiles as she smells the flowers before texting Arizona to make sure she gets Jo and Alex where they need to be on time.


Watching as Kirsten yells in her phone, Ivy chuckles. Turning, she meets Matthew and April, "Who is she yelling at?"

She explains, "Uh, caterers are lost."

"God, April, Ivy, it's so pretty," they hear Jo.

"Yay, good. Okay, so you should be up in the bridal suite. The hair and make up people are there know, fix all of this. Uh, Alex is....?" April asks.

Ivy focuses on Sofia, "Look at you! So pretty, as your dad would say, definitely a Sloan."

Sofia hugs her godmother, "Mommy helped me pick out the dress. I'm gonna miss you when we move to New York, aunt Ivy."

She smiles, "I'm gonna miss you too. But, I'll fly out there sometimes and maybe I'll convince your mommies to let you fly here and stay with uncle Jackson and I. Don't worry, you can't get rid of me that easily."

Her and Sofia share a high five before Arizona ushers Sofia to go with her and Jo. Seeing that the guests aren't arriving, she texts Jackson.

To Love❤: uh, why isn't anyone here? Where are all the guests?

To Love❤: was there an emergency at the hosptial?

Love❤: we're at the wedding

To Love❤: no, you're not!!

Love❤: yes, we are!



Quickly getting April, they look at the address on the invites, "Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!"

As April deals with that, Ivy greets Meredith and Alex, "Hey."

"Wherr is everyone? Are we early?" Meredith asks.

"They are in their way. There was a little issue with the GPS link on the wedding website. But they're on their way," Ivy smiles as Kirsten joins her.

Alex reaches for some food when Kirsten slaps his hand away, "Oh, oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. These aren't for you. They're for your guests."

He argues, "Guests? There's nobody here."

"They're on their way!"

Ivy quickly grabs her phone and texts with Jackson.

To Love❤: the wedding is on Bainbridge Island.

To Love❤: get everyone on the ferry NOW! Unless you want April and I to completely lose our minds.

Love❤: we're on our way.


Ivy stands with Meredith when they hear Amelia's voice, "Hey. I thought we were late. Where is everybody?"

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