Goodbye for Now

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Ivy holds Jackson's hand as they enter the elevator, remembering their first time stepping foot in what was Seattle Grace Mercy West, "Ready?"

Jackson cracks his neck, before leaning down and kissing her forehead, "Let's do this," They step out.

She looks down at her phone as a text comes through from Maggie, "Well, today keeps getting better. Mer's stats are good. If her labs are good, she's going home today."

"Does she know about DeLuca?"

"I don't think Bailey or Webber have told her yet. Today is gonna be a roller coaster for her. She gets to go home, Andrew's dead, and her sister-in-law and her family are moving to Boston. I love you," Ivy gives him a kiss before handing him his manilla folder.

He squeezes her hand, "Love you too."


Ivy and Jackson sit across from Webber and Bailey, "So, you're going to fulfill this new leadership position from Boston?"

"I am," Jackson nods.

"Not here, in Seattle, where you work? Where your wife works?" Bailey asks, "For me."

They both hand over the folders, "Our official resignations. We have to take off first thing in the morning," Jackson tells her before wrapping his arm around Ivy.


Jackson explains, "Bailey, I know it's sudden, and it's my fault. I apologize. It's just-it's a really good thing. The work we're gonna be able to do, the changes we'll be able to enact from the foundation- it's gonna be really great for all of us.:

Ivy continues, smiling as she leans into her husband, "We will still be on the board and my position within the foundation won't change much. I will be flying back from time to time for meetings with you, the board, Richard, Catherine and just to visit family. But this opportunity is just too great to pass up."

Bailey scans the papers they gave her, crinkling her nose, "It would have been better if you'd left me a surgeon each. One who's double board certified in plastics and ENT, and another double board certified in ortho and trauma."

"Pretty good list of recommendations there," Jackson points to the second sheet of paper on his resignation."

"Owen and Teddy have a handle on the trauma rotation and Link and Nico can handle ortho. I have listed a few surgeons from each specialty if it gets too much for them and they need help. I am also available to fly back on highly emergent cases."

"Why-" Bailey turns to her mentor, "Why am I the only one who's surprised? Did you know about this?"

"I did," Richard nods, "I think I knew before Ivy knew. It wasn't my news to share."

Jackson sighs, his hold on Ivy tightening, "I went to see my dad, who I realized my entire life has shown me exactly the kind of man I never want to be. Checked out and unwilling to really fight for anything. The two of you showed me the opposite. Example after example of not giving in to hopelessness and despair and consistently resist complacency. You get up over and over and over again and fight. I learned the kind of surgeon, the kind of husband, the kind of father, the kind of person I wanted to become from you. I'm always gonna be grateful for that."

Ivy thinks over all her years at Grey Sloan. The shooting, the plane crash, Derek's death. Passing her boards, celebrating Cristina's Harper Avery nomination, the birth of all the kids. 

"We're proud of you, Avery," Bailey tells him.

"I'm proud of you, son," Webber adds.

Bailey looks at Ivy, "And you?"

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