Life is Weird

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Ivy kisses all over the youngest twins faces as Jackson shakes his head outside of daycare, "Ivy, sweetheart, you'll see them at lunch."

She glares at him, hugging them closer to her, "They are my last babies and they are growing up so fast. Let me love on them before they grow up and start pushing me away like all of my other babies."

"Allie and Chris love you. They were just excited for school."

"What about Aurora? She just ran in there like it was no problem," Ivy pouts.

"Nora had cookies. If you didn't have work, your ass would be in there eating cookies too. Now, let's get to work," Jackson takes the twins and kisses them before handing them to the nurse in charge of the daycare as Ivy glares at him.

"I hate you."

Jackson kisses her, "I love you too."


After recieving a text from Amelia, Ivy gets Teddy and Link to cover her services before meeting her sister in her car, "Why am I here and where are we going?"

Amelia clutches Ellis' elephant, "Leo forgot this at daycare and I'm brining it to Owen. While we're there, might as well tell him about the baby."

Ivy snorts at her sisters plan, "Wow, good to know that bad planning runs in the family. Alright, let's see how this turns into a train wreck."


Dragging Amelia through the halls of Pac North, Ivy looks for Owen before spotting him, "Hunt! I'm so mad at you!"

Owen looks up with slight fear in his eyes, "W-Ivy? Amelia? Everything okay?"

"No. You took a job here and left me. And-"

Amelia cuts her sister off, "Everything's fine. Great actually. We just wanted to, uh-to give this back to Leo."

He still warily eyes Ivy while reaching for the elephant, "Oh, well, thanks, but I don't think this is-"

"Link and I are having a baby," Amelia blurts out.

After a minute of silence, Ivy looks around the ER, "Is there any good coffee around? Cause I think you two need to t-"

"Incoming!" Is yelled behind her, scaring her slightly, "Cassidy Gardner, 25, GCS 14, blunt trauma to the abdomen, arm lac, hemodynamically stable."

Owen starts checking her up and Ivy and Amelia move back, the trauma surgeon cranning her neck to observe, "Okay, what happened?" He asks.

The patient tells them, "I fell down the stairs. I just fell."

One of the paramedics fills in some, "Her son called 911."

"Henry, mommy's gonna be fine."

Ivy nods for Owen to continue with the patient before kneeling down to the boys level, "You did really good, bud. My sister Amelia and I are gonna sit with you while Dr. Owen works on your mom, okay?"

He nods, grabbing Ivys hand as she leads the trio to the waiting room. Amelia and Ivy sit next to each other, facing Henry, "Was your dad home when your mom fell?"

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