Chapter 5.

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Vaishu no no no the devil queen.

Queen held abhi as her captive and tried to escape from the police. She dragged him towards the parking lot with a gun on his head.

Now back to story.

Abhi was trying hard to get out of her hold but everything went in vein. She dragged him towards the 4 wheeler parking lot. She took him towards a car which was parked there ready.

Abhi pov.

Why is she doing this to me. Where is she taking me. A car and it’s ready to move…did she came here with a plan. But why me…and how did she knows about dad being chief minister

She dragged him towards the passenger seat.

Abhi u have to do something to escape from her. She is taking me to the passenger seat so I can do something in the short time which she takes to get to the driver seat.

Abhi pov ends.

She pushed him into the car on the passenger seat. Abhi was ready to runaway but for his shock she ordered him to move on to the driver seat.

Queen: what got shocked….how could u think that I will give u the opputunity to escape Abhi…now move to the driver seat… she ordered him. He moved on to the driver seat and she got into the passenger seat and ordered him to drive out of the college.

Pov ends.

The police couldn’t do anything as she is having the CM’s son has her captive. Bantu was hell shocked. He ran to the commisioner and asked him what to do next.

Comm: we don’t have any choice she is having Abhi as her hostage we can’t risk his life.

Bantu : sir…first of all answer my question who the hell is she.

Then commisioner told all the details about vaishnavi to Bantu( her details will be told in coming chapters).

Comm: we have to inform CM about this.

They informed about the incident to Abhi’s father and he ordered to get his son safe at any cost. The college was announced leave and everyone the college was warned to not to tell anything happened there as it would become a huge problem in the media as the state’s CM’s son has been kidnapped. 

Here Vaishu ordered him to stop the car in a place. Abhi looked around and it was a four road junction and a van was parked on the other side of the road.

After seeing their car 4 men who were looking like bouncers in the Hollywood movies got down from the van and came towards the car. Vaishu ordered him to get down from the car. As he got down the queen’s men got him before he could run. They grabbed his arms tightly and dragged him towards the van.

Abhi:. Vaishu…why are u doing this to me…u escaped from the police right then leave me…let me go …he said struggling to get away. But they pushed him inside the van and three of them got inside and one goes to the driver seat. Vaishu came and hopped onto the passenger seat in a bossy way and signalled him to drive.

Abhi was trying to get his hands free but he couldn’t do anything as one of  the men put a cloth on his mouth and pressed with chlroform which made him feel dizzy in a few seconds and he blacked out.






To be continued

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