Chapter 36( season 2)

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Sid told faisu about something that is even not known by Abhi and vaishu.

Now back to story.

Avi was sleeping in her room when jai came to wake her up.

Jai: Avi….get up…’s getting late a we are ready to go to college and u are sleeping here …

Avi: let me sleep jai….

Jai: oh …u don’t have idea to come to college ah….today is our first day of college and u are sleeping like this

Avi woke up hearing this….

Avi: ok….I am up….now get out of here….she yelled at him. And he went out telling her to get ready fast.

Avi went to wash room taking her clothes from the wardrobe. She entered the washroom and started to brush her teeth and she remembered him.

Avi: Sid…..I really don’t know why u are making me to think about u all the time. I have to find u…and I will….

She got ready in next 15 mins and came down to have breakfast. Her friends were there on the dining table already.  Avi’s mother is not with her as she doesn’t likes her husband and daughter being a mafia even though they are not doing anything illegal. She lives in India alone . So Avi’s friends live with her in her mansion as she is alone and also for security purposes.

After having breakfast they went to the college. Everyone took their timetable and was sitting in the cafeteria.

The group consists of  Avi,Jai, Reem,Jannat, chinki minki -the twin sisters. Jai and Reem were dating from last year itself and all other are single. Jai is overprotective to Avi as she is his cousin sister and his bestest friend from childhood. He knows everything about her and also helps her in mafia works sometime. He is the only one who can control Avi when she is in anger. As he is the only boy of the group, he is so special to everyone. Faisu was also one of their friends in the school before. But he was not that much close. But he has a secret crush on Jannat so does she….

Here Sid and faisu came out after getting their timetable.

Here Sid and faisu came out after getting their timetable

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Faisu: Sid u go I will come in 2 mins…

Sid: ok….sid started to go towards canteen with his phone in his hand. He was messaging Abhi that he is going to canteen.

On the other side Avi was going towards washroom with her phone in her hand and surfing through it.

Suddenly both of them bumped into eachother…

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Suddenly both of them bumped into eachother…. Avi got angry and looked at him and got shocked to see him....

Avi mindvoice: it’s him…it’s sid…ohh god…thank u…he is also studying here only…

But sid didn’t looked at her. He just said ‘sorry’ and went towards canteen.

Avi: what the hell….he..he just ignored me…. No one ever ignored me like this.

His ignorance made her to get angry more and she remembered his feared eyes when he looked at her in the airport.

Avi: u ignored me na…now I will make u to scare which I like the most.

Then she went to the canteen and saw faisu sitting with him.

Avi: hey faisu….

Faisu: hey avi…u too joined here.

Avi: not only me…the entire gang is here….

Faisu: what u all are here…

Avi: ss come lets go to them…by the by who is he….she asked pointing towards him with anger. Sid slid his phone in the pocket and looked at her.

Sid mindvoice.: Who is she….she is damn cute…but she looks familiar to me…I have seen her somewhere…those eyes….I have seen it before…. He was got out of his own dreamland by faisu…..

Faisu: oh he is my roomate…Sid…Siddharth….

And yeah sid she is AVNEET my schoolmate.

Avi and sid smiled at eachother. Sid was genuine to her when something bad was cooking up in her mind.







To be continued.

What is she planning to doooo.....

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