Chapter 6.

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Devil queen escaped from the police taking Abhi as her hostage.

Now back to story.

Abhi got conciousness and opened his eyes slowly. He couldn’t recognise where he was. He tried to get up but he was not able to as his hands and legs were tied up with ropes. His wrists here hurting badly. He somehow managed himself to get up and sit. He realised that he was lying on a king sized cot. He looked around the room. It was huge and it doesn’t had any windows. The room consisted just the cot on which he was lying a side table on its right and a washroom on the leftside. The room has only one entrance that is the door and no other openings even a small hole.

Abhi pov

What is this place…it doesn’t even has a window. What is happening in ur life Abhi. Few hours back u were dreaming about ur love. Bt now u are held hostage by the same girl who u considered as ur love. I really couldn’t understand how did she know about me and dad. Why was she with me for the past 6 months. If kidnapping me was her only motive she could have done it before 6 months itself bt why now.

Ahh….my head hands are hurting like hell. Let’s see if I can get rid of this rope.

Pov ends.

Abhi tried to untie his hands and somehow he got successful in that. He untied his legs too and stood up and stretched his body. And his wrist was hurting again.

Abhi: ahh…it’s hurting too much.

He slowly went towards the door and was about to open the door, but suddenly the door opened before he touched it revealing Vaishu and her men. Abhi got shocked and gulped in fear. Vaishu was looking stunning in her dark royal blue outfit.

Wanna see

Abhi didn’t blinked his eye for a few seconds

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Abhi didn’t blinked his eye for a few seconds. He got out of the dreamland when vaishu’s men dragged him inside the room.

Abhi: ahh…leave me…let me go.

Vaishu: shut up Abhi. If u obey me for the next few days then u can go home freely orelse u will get urself hurt. And I mean it.

Abhi: what else there to get hurt vaishu when u are kidnapped by the person whom u liked and trusted the most…he said in a sad tone.

Her men made him sit on a chair and tied him tightly that he could not escape. Vaishu’s eyes laid on the ropes which was on the bed.

Vaishu: how did u got off from those ropes.

He doesn’t answered her.

Vaishu: I ASKED U A QUESTION ABHI. ANSWER ME. She shouted at him.

Abhi: with my mouth…he said in a boring tone.

Vaishu turned to her one of the men and ordered to bring the person whom she assigned to tie Abhi before. The person came there.

Queen: what did I told u to do.

Person: to tie him up…he said in fear.

Queen: yes correct. Bt didn’t I told u to tie his hand at the back…she asked.

Person: m..mam… I am sorry…I..I..f..forgot…sorry…

Suddenly she took a knife from her men and made a cut on the person’s hand. Abhi got shocked and scared at the same time.

Vaishu: this is ur punishment for not doing the work properly.

Person: sryy mam…

Vaishu: now just get lost.

She turned to Abhi giving the knife to her men.

Abhi: what the hell was that vaishu….why are u doing this….what do u want from me.

Vaishu: I don’t have to answer ur questions Abhi.

Abhi: LET ME GO VAISHU…he shouted at her.

She came closer to him and held his jaw tightly..

Vaishu:. Do u think I will let u go that easily Abhi…I have spent freaking 6 months to get u in my hold…she said leaving his jaw.

Abhi: so it’s all preplanned, right?..his eyes was teary.

Vaishu: see I don’t have time to listen to ur nonsense…I have to go now and don’t u dare to try to escape from here, I know u can’t…bt don’t get urself harmed by trying to getaway from here….she said in a dangerous tone and went towards the door signalling her men something. They came near him, one of them was loading an injection in his hand..Abhi tried to not to get injected. Bt his badluck, they forcefully sedated him to sleep and went away.






To be continued.

Next chapter will be out 2morrow...
Untill the bye....

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