Chapter 76( season 2)

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Hey guys before going into the chapter please go and check my new story SHE STOLE MY HEART.  I am sure u guys will love it and please support me as like as now always......

Now here is chapter.....

At sid night Sid was in his room drowned his thought when he heard the sound door knock. He was confused that who has came at this time.

Sid: who is it it avi...he asked himself excitedly...

Sid: why I am excited for her....ah..let's go and see who is that.....he went to open the door and found Jann there.

Jann: hey hii...

Sid: Jann...u here....Faisu is not here....

Jann: no sid....I didn't came for him...wanna talk to u only...are u free now ..

Sid: yeah I am ....come in...both went in the room and sid sat on the bed when Jann sat infront of him on the chair.

Jan: Sid u are ok na....

Sid: yeah Jann...I am somewhat scared what if she comes back....

Jann: don't worry sid...she will not...and even if she comes back we all are here for u....

Sid smiled at her weakly.

Sid: ok now tell me what u wanted to speak...

Jann: umm...Sid...I want to talk about avi....she said hesitantly thinking he will become nervous but for her surprise he smiled at her and spoke...

Sid: what about her...I mean she is ok na...

Jann: no sid she is not ok....

Sid: what do u mean Jann...

Jann: she is feeling guilty after knowing ur past...she thinks that u are suffering because of her....

Sid: that's true I was suffering because of her...but not anymore after I came from india...she was getting along with me well and I was also good with her na....everything went bad when that Sameera came....

Jann: yeah I know....but she still feels guilty for what she did with u....u know what I have been being with her from childhood. I have seen both her good and bad times. But she never became like this being guilty....

Sid: Jann....may I ask u something....

Jann: ask...

Sid: is she also have a past like me to become like this ...

Jann smiled at him and nodded in yes.

Sid: what's that....please tell me...u guys now know about I also want to know about u all fully....

Jann: ok I will tell....actually I am with her from when we were 7 years old. Avi was not like how she is now. She used to be a fun loving girl and crazy. And yeah she had twin sister named ARNEET. They both were so close to eachother....but Aru was not like Avi...she always adored her father as a real king and she wanted to be his warrior she joined her father in mafia works when she was 8 and guess what she was pro in martial arts ,gun firing , hacking and everything....she was just her father's Xerox copy. But their mom doesn't liked this so she always used to say Aru not to do those things. But she never listened to her.

But even their characters were not same Aru and Avi was loving eachother soo much. There could be no other sisters in this world so understanding and loving...but....

Sid: but...what happened....

Jann: when we were 14 years old, we were in New York that time....Avi's dad was betrayed by his own friend come business partner. He tried to kill uncle and get the mafia king position. But Arneet somehow came to know about this and she went to save uncle. She didn't said anything to us...we just thought she is going somewhere...but she didn't came again after that ..I mean...she went to save uncle...she managed to save him but not herself....Jann started crying and sid calmed her down.

Sid: calm down Jann...

Jann: yeah I am ok....and after she died we didn't even got her body...this affected Avi and her mom so much....her mom fought uncle and took avi here to London. Avi was really heart broken and she got affected by a problem called Twinless twin disorder. She started missing aru and her mental health was affecting her day by day. Because of her disorder she started to behave like Arneet. Her mom got worried and took her to doctor and they got to know that she affected badly by the loss of Aru and she is determined to take revenge for her sister.

Uncle came to know about this and came to London to get her good treatment but aunty didn't allowed him. But atlast avi wanted to take revenge and she went with uncle back to New york and aunty went to India. After that Avi started mafia training but for a huge shock she finished every training in just one year. And in next two months she took revenge for her sister's death. But still the main guy who is responsible for her death is not killed. She is still looking for him. And I am sure she will kill him too by any means....and after that she didn't went to meet her mother it's been nearly 4 to 5 years they have met....

Sid: I really didn't know that she would have a past like this....

Jann: and sid....apart from all these...I mean ur past her past everything....I want yo ask u something .....

Sid: ask...

To be continued

How was Avi's past guys....what is Jann going ask Sid....

And about that Twinless twin syndrome. Yes its true. There is a disorder where a twin lost their twin sister or brother, they easily get affected by this syndrome. As twins are  always with eachother from the day they were formed in their mother's womb, when they get separated that too a permanent one the other twin gets affected by this. In this syndrome the one who affected will try to die like the other one died or they determine themselves as the other twin too and start to live as their lost twin.

Here Avi was affected by it and she started to live as Aru. So only she determined herself for taking revenge and also a caring and fun loving girl turned into a rude and heartless mafia in just one year...

I hope u guys liked this chapter....tell me how was it.....

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