Chapter 28

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RM again captured abhi and dragged him towards the car.

Now back to story

Abhi tried to free his hand from RMs grip but he couldn’t. RM pushed Abhi inside the car but suddenly

they were surrounded by a platoon of army men from all sides. RM was startled to see army there so was Abhi. But RM worked quickly he grabbed and cage abhi between his arms with a gun on his head….

(AO for army officer)

AO: Mr. malhothra u can’t escape from here u are surrounded by all sides…now if u leave him harmless it will be good for u.

RM: I thought only that devil queen is behind ur escape. Now only I know ur father is behind this….he said pressing the gun on his head and tightening his grip.

Abhi: u will never get what u want….he said smirking at him.

RM: but ur father is going to lose u now….. he said pressing the gun more and was about to press the trigger. But suddenly a gun shot was heard near Abhi’s ears. He got shocked and looked at RM he was shot in his shoulder and due to it his grip loosened on abhi.

The army men didn’t wasted a second and they barged towards them and pulled abhi away from him safely. Abhi was confused who shot RM and he turned back to see Vaishu at the door with a gun.

Soldiers made abhi to move in to the mansion safely while they took others in their custody. Vaishu made abhi to sit on the sofa and gave him water to drink.

Abhi: where did the army came from........

Vaishu: don’t worry it’s all in our plan to trap RM… did u get any hurt….she asked checking on him ..

Abhi: no vaishu….I just want to go to dad now please ….

Sm1: I am here….. a sound came from the door…….







To be continued.

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