Chapter 32( season 2)

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Abhi and sid went to meet vaishu.

Now back to story.

They waiting at the meeting room and vaishu entered in the room with a welcome of tight hug by Sid.

Their outfit

Their outfit

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Sid: I really missed u di…

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Sid: I really missed u di….he said hugging her and crying.

Vaishu: siddo don’t cry… u have to be strong…and focus on the studies…

He was still crying on her shoulders. Abhi was looking at them with a smile. Then sid and vaishu broke the hug and abhi hugged vaishu…

Abhi: I missed u….he whispered in her ears….

Vaishu: me too….then she noticed his left wrist….

Abhi…u didn’t took out the chip which I placed in ur hand….why….

Abhi: u said na…I am always in ur control…I want to be in ur control forever….and I feel u are with me when I see my wrist and remember about the chip….he said kissing her forehead.

Sid: di u know what I am going London for my higher studies….he said in excitement…. But vaishu was shocked to hear this….

Vaishu: no sid u are not going anywhere I can’t risk with ur health.

Sid: di….please….u know right that’s my dream to study there and it’s ur dream too….please di let me go …dada tell her na….he said looking at Abhi.

After a long struggle sid convinced her let him go.

Vaishu: ok then promise me that u will take care of urself and take ur medicines correctly…orelse I am not letting u to go.

Sid laughed at her.

Vaishu: why are u laughing….she asked in a confusion.

Sid: actually dada also said exactly like this…not even a word was changed….

Abhi was smiling at them. And after spending some more time abhi and sid left from there not before hugging vaishu.

After 2 days Abhi and sid was at the airport. Abhi was accompanying sid  to london. He will return after making him comfortable at the college. They boarded the flight and flew off to London. And they reached there nearly after 10 hours.

At London airport.

A man of 30s was standing at the entrance of the airport for checking. He was so restless and panicked. When he was about to enter the checking process…..

YOU BLOODY CHEATER…….a dangerous voice came from the entrance and he turned to see. A girl of age 17 or 18 was there with a gun in her hand along with her men. The man saw her and started to run. They started chasing him.

When the girl’s men tried to catch him he snatched the gun from him and pushed him away and suddenly  pulled a boy who was standing near the washroom and caged him between his arms pointing the gun at his head.

The boy was hell shocked and scared at the same time. Then they were surrounded by that girls men as well as the airport security.

Another boy who came out of the washroom was hell shocked to see the scene out there….and he shouted.

Boy: Sidd……( The 1st boy was Sid)

Sid: dada….he said struggling to free himself….( And the other boy was Abhi)

Abhi ran to them but the airport security grabbed abhis arms and restricted to go near them as it is dangerous for both of them.

Suddenly the girl came there with a gun in her hand and started to speak.

Girl: hey u bloody cheater….let him go.

Man: no…AK please don’t do anything to me….let me go from here or else I will surely kill him….he said pressing the gun on Sid’s head.

Girl: don’t u dare…..she said stepping closer to them….









To be continued.

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