Chapter 8.

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Abhi was drowned in his own thoughts when he heard sound of  the door lock opening.

Now back to story.

Abhi looked towards the door expecting it to be vaishu. Bt one of her men came inside with a tray of food. He was not looking like those bouncers who took Abhi in the van. So he thought to trick him and escape from there. He came near the bed and put the tray on the bed and spoke to him.

Man: open ur mouth…he said taking a bite from the plate in a spoon and pointing near Abhi’s mouth.

Abhi: I am not a kid. I can eat myself… He said turning his head in the opposite direction of the spoon.

Man: queen ordered me to feed u only.

Abhi: untie my hands I will eat myself…he said sternly

Man: no I am not allowed to take that decision to untie you.

Abhi was irritated.

Abhi: ahh…for gods sake just untie me..I want to use washroom and my wrists are hurting like hell…..he yelled in pain.

Man: ok wait.

He took out his phone and called vaishu to ask permission to untie him.

Phone conversation

Vaishu: yes what is it

Man: queen he is asking me to untie him as his wrists are hurting and he wants to use the washroom.

Vaishu thought for sometime.

Man: queen what should I do now.

Vaishu: ok untie him but remember lock the door properly when u go out now put the phone on speaker.

Man: ok queen.

He put the phone on speaker and vaishu spoke to Abhi

Vaishu: see I am sorry for hurting u.  But I am letting u untied bt don’t u dare to do anything.

She said and cut the call.

Abhi: don’t u heard what she said. Untie me.

He untied Abhi’s hands and legs. Abhi went in to the washroom. Abhi was really broken inside that he couldn’t do anything bt he was stubborn that he should escape from there. He looked at his wrist of right hand. It was hurting as there was bruise around the wrist as the result of the ropes and as well as vaishu’s death grip on that day he got kidnapped.

Man: hey come out how long are u going to be in there.

Abhi came out after washing his face.

Man: now come and eat.

Abhi came and sat on the bed silently and took the plate in his hand started to eat. The man was surfing through his phone. Suddenly abhi started coughing heavily and asked the man for water.

Man: shit I forgot the to bring water…wait I will come.

He went to the kitchen to bring water and he left the door unlocked as Abhi was coughing heavily and he was panicked.

Abhi quickly put the plate on the bed and ran out of the room as it was unlocked. He went out and saw a narrow hallway he went through it silently without noise. Here the man came with water and was shocked to see the empty room quickly he took a remote like thing in his hand pressed a button. Suddenly the alarms started giving sounds and all the doors of the mansion started to close automatically. All the guards in there were searching Abhi.

Abhi pov

This is the right time. He went to the kitchen without locking the door. Let’s go. He came out.

Abhi: what is this place actually….

He saw a narrow hallway and went through it. At the end a door was there he opened it and gone out of the hallway. He got shocked seeing that it was a huge mansion. It was full of expensive decorative items and each and everything in there was highly expensive. Bt the door he opened and came out was camouflaged with a painting on the wall. It means the room in which Abhi was locked is a secret room.

Suddenly the alarms of the mansion started beating and the doors started to close automatically

Abhi: ohh shit I think they got to know I escaped.

He quickly went down the stairs but before he could reach the doors fully closed. He has no way now. He ran and hid behind the staircase. Suddenly…..







To be continued.

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