Chapter 35( season2)

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 Guyss.....ready for the second update of u gooo......


Abhi and sid slept after talking for sometime and avi went to the club with her friends.

Now back to story.

Next day Abhi and Sid went to the college for admission formalities. Abhi himself signed in the admission form as Sid’s guardian. Then they went to the hostel building and found his room. There was no in there bt there was luggage on the other bed.

 There was no in there bt there was luggage on the other bed

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Abhi : I think ur roomate has gone somewhere…

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Abhi : I think ur roomate has gone somewhere….

Sid: yeah dada….I wish I would get a good roomate as well as a good friend.

Abhi: don’t worry he will….ok come lets arrange ur stuffs.

They started to arrange the Sids things in his cupboard. Then someone’s voice came at the door.

Sm1: I think my roomate has came….

Both abhi and sid turned to see a boy standing near the door…

Abhi: so u are his roomate…

Sm1: yep… the way…I am Faisal….u can call me faisu…

Sid: hi I am sid…Siddharth….he said giving his hand for a shake and faisu accepted it.

Faisu: and u….he asked turning to abhi….

Sid: he is my jiju…..he said winking at abhi….

Abhi: sid….U…he came near him pulled his ears and twisted which results in Sid wincing in pain….

Sid: ok dada….I am sorry….now leave my ears…it’s hurting….

Faisu: dada….??

Sid: yeah I call him as dada only….

Abhi: anyway….I am Abhishek…and yes he is my girlfriend’s brother….

Faisu: oh….then where is ur di….she didn’t camee??

Sid became sad after hearing that but Abhi diverted the topic…

Abhi: ok come on….let arrange the things 1st….faisu come I will also help.

Faisu: thank u bhai.

Then they started arranging the things…suddenly abhi thought of something and spoke.

Abhi : Sid u continue the work…I and faisu will go and get the lunch here itself ..

Sid: ok dada.

Then abhi and faisu went to the canteen to get food. After sometime they returned to the room and the trio had the lunch. After helping both to arrange the room, abhi left from there and said he will come to see him the next day as he is having flight at next night.

After abhi went faisu and sid was chit chatting and sid spoke.

Sid: faisu….

Faisu: haa buddy ….

Sid: dada told u everything right….

Faisu: what are u talking about sid

Sid: I know buddy he would have told my past and everything about my di and dada and all….

Faisu: yeah he did….he said me take care of u and took a promise from me that I will make u take ur medicines correctly if u are planning to skip it…..

Sid smiled and him.

Sid: I know he would do that…bt faisu apart from dada said I have to tell u something as we are roomates and we have same classes.

Faisu: ok go head….

Sid:_____________________________________________________________________________ he said everything in a single breathe….

Faisu was shocked like hell….

Faisu: but bhai didn’t said these things happened to u….

Sid: he doesn’t know about it even di don’t know these things…. Only my psychiatric knows and now u….

Faisu: it’s ok buddy don’t worry….I will always be there with u….

They hugged eachother….talked for some more time and went to sleep.








To be continued….

What did Sid said to faisu even abhi and vaishu doesn’t knows….

Next chap Sidneet meet…😉

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