What the? Babysitter!Quackity Little!Ranboo Little! Karl 1/3

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Quackity goes over to try and talk to Ranboo and Tubbo about their cookie outpost but Tubbo isn't there. He finds Ranboo just all alone, deep in little space. He takes care of him until Tubbo gets back, Karl also stops by!



Little! Ranboo

Little! Karl

Babysitter! Cg! Quackity

Cg! Tubbo



Ranboo: Boo, Bubs, Little one

Karl: Sweetie, little duck

Quackity: Dada, Quacky

Tubbo: Tubs, Papa



Platonic husbands between Tubbo and Ranboo

Fiancés between Karl and Quackity (and sapnap but he isn't mentioned)


Quackity's perspective

I was walking through Las Nevdas. It was truly wonderful. The only problem with it all was the fact that the stupid fucking cookie outpost was right there. I need to try to talk to them again about it, it can't be there. I walk towards the cookie outpost and don't see a true way in. I walk around it for a bit, seeing no Tubbo but I see Ranboo just sitting on the ground.

"Ranboo!" I yell towards him and he snaps his head up. "Ranboo!" I shout again and instead of getting up to see me like I think he would, he starts to cry. I start to run towards him. "Ranboo are you hurt?" I ask him. He continues to cry. "What's wrong?"

"You yell!" He sobs, whipping his tears on his hands. I watch as it burns his skin. He is crying because I called for his name?

"Don't do that, it'll burn your skin. And you're crying because I yelled?" I ask his and he nods, just letting the tears just down his face. What is happening here?

"Dada!" I turn around to see Karl running towards me. He was wearing his outfit that he wears when he is little, purple overalls with a blue shirt. Clips were in his hair and a pacifier clipped to the front of his overalls, the actual pacifier in his mouth. He was carrying a little bag in his hands.

"Hey Little Duck, what are you doing out here?" I ask him as he approaches me. He hands me the little bag, inside was a few books that I had leant to Sam. "Oh did Sam ask you to bring these to me?" I ask and he nods. He looks over at Ranboo.

"Why boo sad?" He asks, trying his best to say full sentences. It was definitely hard with his pacifier in his mouth. He drops down to Boo's level and gives him a hug. "No be sad Boo."

"Kawl!" Ranboo said, sobbing a bit more latching onto Karl. Then it hits me, Ranboo is a little too.

"Ranboo sweetie, how old are you?" I ask him, bending down to his level as well. Ranboo pulls away from Karl and sticks up two fingers. "Aww okay buddy. Do you have a caregiver?" I ask and he nods.

"Tubs." He mumbles. Karl wiped away the tears on Ranboo's face so it wouldn't continue to burn him. I nod.

"Where is Tubs then?" I ask and Ranboo shrugs. "Did he leave you when you were little or big?" I ask trying to figure it out.

"Big. He no leave when I'm small." Ranboo says. Alright, at least he wasn't just abandoned when he was little. If he was we would have more problems then some god damn cookie outpost.

"Sweetie how old are you?" I ask turning to Karl. Karl holds up four fingers. "Alright then buddy, let's take Bubs to Las Nevdas. You can walk right?" And Karl nods. I reach down and I pick up Ranboo placing him on my hip. With my other hand I hold onto Karl's and we walk to Las Nevdas.

"Quacky." Ranboo says as we arrive. I look at him and he looks back up at me. "Thirsty." And I nod. I put him down on a chair and turn to Karl who was in a chair next to him.

"Little Duck can you make sure Boo doesn't go anywhere? I'm going to get you guys some juice." And Karl nods. I go and get two sippy cups, filling them both with juice before returning back to the littles. I had them each a sippy cup and Karl pops out his pacifier, saying a thank you and drinking. Ranboo hesitates before putting it in his mouth.

"Boo, you gotta say thankies." Karl tells him and bites his lip. His eyes go kinda wide and it seems like he's gonna cry again.

"It's okay little duck. I think Bubs is a little overwhelmed. You know how we talked about when you're small everything can be really big and scary? That's how Boo feels." I explain and Karl hums before putting the sippy cup back in his mouth. Once they're done with their juice I take them over to a little play area I have set up for Karl.

"Block?" Ranboo asks, pointing over to a bag of blocks. I put him down on the play mat and he crawls over to the blocks. Karl lets go of my hand and runs over to play blocks with Ranboo. They play and then I realize I should have messaged Tubbo about this. I pull out my communicator and send a quick message to Tubbo.

I found Ranboo when he was small, Karl came along and now they're having a playdate in Las Nevdas.

And I put it away. I watch as they play, and then I notice both of them began to rub their eyes and yawn a lot.

"Alright boys I think it's nap time. Karl buddy, do you have an extra paci Boo can borrow?" I ask and Karl nods. He pulls out the box of little gear he keeps here. He pulls out a pacifier that I've rarely seen him use. He hands it to me, I wash it just in case and I hand it over to Ranboo. He puts it in his mouth and he looks calmer. I put them on a bed, they began to cuddle and closed their eyes. Within minutes they are both asleep. I begin to put away toys and wash their sippy cups.

"Quackity?" I turn to see Tubbo walking into the room.

"Hello Tubbo." I say calmly. Tubbo spots the two sleeping littles in the corner. "They just went down for a nap. Can I offer you anything?" I ask him and he shakes his head no.

"Thank you for taking care of him. He was big and farming when I left, I wouldn't leave him if I knew he was small." Tubbo explains, sitting down. I nod and sit across from him.

"I know. He told me. I trust you enough that you wouldn't just leave him like that." I explain and he nods. I stand up again, even though I just sat down. I get us both some water and some snacks, crackers and cheese, apple slices and peanut butter.

"Thank you." Tubbo says, starting to snack on things. I nod and also begin to snack. We make light conversation about how everyone is doing on the smp.

"Papa?" We both turn to see Ranboo was sitting up, the pacifier had fallen out of his mouth but he was clearly still little.

"Hey Boo. How are you feeling?" Tubbo asks, standing up and walking over. Ranboo puts his hands up and Tubbo picks him up.

"Tired." Ranboo mumbles.

"Yeah you wanna go home?" Tubbo asks and Ranboo nods, putting his head on Tubbo's shoulder. Tubbo turns back to me. "Want to see if they want to have another playdate soon? Seems like they had fun." And I nod. "Alright, say bye bye Boo."

"Bye bye Boo." Ranboo mumbles and we both chuckle.

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