Phily and Wilby are here Cg! Phil and Wilbur Little! Tommy 1/1

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Summery: Tommy went to take a nap while little and ended up having an accident, and Phil finds him after he woke up crying for Wilbur at Wilbur's door. Wilbur isn't there so Phil comforts him until he gets back.



Cg! Wilbur

Cg! Phil

Little! Tommy



Wilbur: Wil, Wilby

Phil: Phily

Tommy: Toms, Kit, Little one


Relationship: all platonic ofc but it's mostly Wilbur being the cg/dadbur while Phil is like second father


Tw: Crying, bed wetting accident

Prompt/Message: this was gonna be an angst piece for another book but my Brian changed it

Note for everyone: Sorry for not writing a lot I was being abused. Also shout to beta/editors they seeing this when everyone else seeing this. They've also been begging me for weeks for fluff


Wilbur and Tommy were staying at Phil's house for two weeks. They all wanted to spend some time before Christmas together (and they were also spending Christmas together while Kristin going to US for Christmas)

They were all having a good time one afternoon while making cookies. Tommy was regressed so when he started yawning like crazy, Wilbur decided it was time for a nap. After fighting his main cg for a few minutes he finally gave in and Wilbur began to walk Tommy to his room for a nap.

"Okay Tommy, once you get up from your nap the cookies will be all done and we can frost them." Phil reminds him and Tommy nods as he grabs onto Wilbur's out reached hand.

"Okie, Nini Phily." Tommy smiles as he waves his unoccupied hand. Phil waves back and Wilbur began to drag him a bit more to bed.

"Nini Toms." Phil waves back and Tommy begins to full walk towards his room upstairs. Phil's house was big enough that they each could have their own guest room. They walk into Tommy's room and Wilbur begins the bed time routine.

"Okay, what color do you want your stars?" Wilbur asked as Tommy crawled under his covers.

"Blue!" Tommy cheered from the bed and Wilbur changed the star projector color from red to blue. He then turned to Tommy's open suitcase and looked for a moment before finding Tommy's little bag.

"What paci do you want?" Wilbur asked as he opened the bag and Tommy thought for a moment, but instead of answering he just huffed. "What too hard?" Wilbur teased slightly.

"Too many, love 'em all!" Tommy declared and Wilbur chuckled a bit.

"Okay well we gotta pick one little one. How about the raccoon one yeah?" Wilbur asked, grabbing the red pacifier with the raccoon charm (and the word kit on the handle)

"Yay!" Tommy cheers and grabbing the paci from Wilbur's hand and putting it in his mouth.

"Okay Kit, you ready for a nice nap?" Wilbur asked as he put Tommy's bag back into his suitcase. Tommy laid down but shook his head no anyway. "Yeah you are, you're just saying no."

"But wanna spend time with Wilby." Tommy whined lightly and Wilbur's heart gushed. Tommy was such a sweet little.

"Well when you wake up we can cuddle for a bit then frost cookies okay? How's that sound?" Wilbur bargained and Tommy nodded, smiling behind the pacifier. "Alright then kit, get some sleep." Wilbur smiled about to leave the room.

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