Talking "Nonsense" Cg! Schlatt Little! Tommy 1/1

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Summery: It's game night and everyone is streaming and playing games together. Tommy slowly begins to slip into little space but most don't notice. Schlatt eventually notices and manages to convince Tommy to end stream and eventually go to bed.



Cg! Schlatt

Little! Tommy



Schlatt: Bat

Tommy: Toms, Little one


Relationship: Friends, Tommy is a minor


Prompt/Message: @spiritglaze

Little Tommy and Caregiver Schlatt

Tommy, Wilbur, Phil, Schlatt, and Charlie are filming a minecraft mod video when Tommy gradually slips into little space and becomes distracted, Schlatt notices and hangs with him and let's Tommy babble about nonsense. Eventually dragging Tommy off the computer and to bed.

Tw: Cursing

Note: I did change the prompt from a mod video to just game night! Thank you for the prompt and thank you for all reads 7.3k! I am doing this on mobile and it does try to autocorrect Schlatt into Sclatt so sorry if it happens! Continue to give me prompts please!


Tommy was happy, overly happy in fact. He was playing games with his friends! They were playing Uno at the moment and of course everyone was over the top about it.

"Don't you fucking hit me with a fucking plus four!" Wilbur shouts, making people burst out into laughter.

"Wil mate, you had one card! What the fuck was I supposed to do? Let you win?" Phil retorts back, gaining more laughter.

"Yes! I want to win!" Wilbur smiles. Wilbur's chat was going wild in the fact that Wilbur was so close to winning. Phil's was talking about how he did good in blocking him. Charlie and Schlatt weren't streaming but Tommy was.

Tommy's chat was making comments on how Tommy had gone quiet. He was just sitting there, smiling and laughing but not really making input. Tommy knew why, he was on the verge of slipping and he usually goes quiet when he begins to slip. That or he is over the top making babbling noises but he knew he shouldn't be doing that right now.

"Tommy it's your turn mate." Phil says, interrupting Tommy's thoughts of little space.

"Right, sorry." Tommy mumbles and he plays a card.

"Tommy you alright man?" Charlie questions and Tommy just nods. "You sure?" He presses a bit more.

"I'm fine Charlie." Tommy snaps back. He immediately feels bad for snapping at Charlie and everyone in the call went quiet. Tommy now felt like he wanted to cry, little him always was more sensitive and got upset easier.

"So the other day I went to the store right?" Schlatt began to launch into a story and for that Tommy was greatful, it gave people something else to focus on besides him almost bursting out into tears on stream. He sent a messy dm to Charlie saying sorry.

I sorry Charlie, didn't mean to be meanie

Charlie was a bit confused on the message, Tubbo was usually the one to misspell things not really Tommy. He didn't comment on anything however, because if something was wrong then he didn't want to bring attention to it. Or at least not the attention of the 300k worth of people watching the streams.

He was going to send a message to someone but before he even could he got one from Schlatt.

Do you think something is up with Tommy?

Charlie decided to wait a moment before texting Schlatt back, just agreeing that he thought something was up with Tommy. He still didn't want to bring too much attention to it.

Schlatt however was very worried about what was happening with Tommy. He was never this quiet and he wasn't even over the top hyperactive, like he usually was when he was really happy. So what was the issue?

Luckily Wilbur asked for a minute break and others agreed, Phil deafened to talk to his chat, Wilbur had taken off his head phones and left and Schlatt looked at his camera, a certain way that made Charlie realize he should deafen too.

"So Tommy, it's getting pretty late for you isn't it?" Schlatt asks and Tommy glances at the clock, it was only 11pm. Tommy shrugs and Schlatt nods for a moment. "How about after this round we just call it quits. The old men probably need to go to bed soon." He offers and Tommy just shrugs again. Schlatt then sent a message to Tommy.

I want to talk after stream, nothing bad I promise just need to talk

And the others returned. They played one more game of uno before they signed off. Tommy immediately hopped off his chair and to his kitchen. He luckily lived alone at this point, making enough to rent his own apartment.

So he went to the kitchen and pulled out a sippy cup and filled it with juice. He then went back to his room, grabbing a pacifier, stuffed animal, and a blanket. He climbed back into his chair and turned on a movie. He honestly forgot all about Schlatt wanting to talk.

Schlatt however didn't and after a while he called Tommy. Tommy not thinking clear enough, deep in little space at this point, just answered the call, with his camera on.

"Hey Tommy, oh. Is this a bad time?" Schlatt asks as he watches Tommy suck on a red and white pacifier and hold a stuffed teddy bear. Tommy shook his head. "Wanna explain to me what's going on then?" Schlatt asks, not wanting to make fun of or do anything that'll hurt Tommy.

"I happy and then I sad cuz Slimey sad and I go little." Tommy tries his best to explain and Schlatt just went along with it. He nodded and kind of understood what Tommy was trying to get at.

"I'm sorry but Charlie isn't sad at all Toms. It's okay I promise. Do you want me to hang out with you while you're little?" Schlatt asks as he also pulled up a website describing what Tommy was feeling at the moment. Tommy just nods. "Tell me about your day then, what did you do?" Schlatt asks, trying to be the best older brother type figure he could be.

"I got up and had pancake and I get juice and I go park and I go home and I talk with Philly and Wilby and Slimey and Bat!" Tommy had taken out of his pacifier and was now rambling on. He took a sip of juice before continuing. "And I stream and we play uno and I got more juice and Bat call me!" Tommy explains, even though Schlatt had been there for the last bit.

"Are you saying Bat because Schlatt is too hard to say?" Schlatt asks and Tommy nods, hiding his face in his blanket. "Hey little one that's okay. It's okay I promise. But it is getting late for you, can you please try and get some sleep?" Schlatt asks. Tommy whines and shakes his head no. "How about if you get into bed I'll read you a story." Schlatt offers and Tommy immediately nods.

"Okie Bat!" And he switches Schlatt to his phone after changing into pjs. He climbed into bed and held his stuffie close to him as he sucked on his pacifier.

"Okay, here we go Toms. Once upon a time there was a little prince who lived in a far away castle." Schlatt began. By the end of the story Tommy was passed out but Schlatt stayed on the call for when Tommy woke up.

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