Storms coming p.2 Cg! Eret Little! Ranboo 2/3

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Summery: Tubbo was still gone and Ranboo couldn't seem to shake his little space. Eret didn't mind, she liked taking care of the little. But the time Ranboo finally came out of little space he overhears Eret talking to someone about Tubbo, and everything seems to be crashing down.



Cg! Eret

Little! Ranboo



Just platonic husbands between Ranboo and Tubbo



Eret: Mama, Et

Ranboo: Boo, Little one, baby boy


Tw: Talk of destruction, captivity and a very distressed little.

Note: Since this is a continuation of the previous chapter of this story, I am going to continue to use she/her pronouns, since if you were unaware CC!Eret uses all pronouns. Like stated before, I love using all pronouns for Eret but for the sake of writing I am going to use only she/her this chapter. In the future, in other chapters, I will use he/they more!

Also this is making out Tubbo to be a bad guyyyyyyyy I love Tubbo so much and normally I don't portray him like this I promise.


Ranboo had been staying at Eret's castle for about a week now. The whole time he has been small, and Eret didn't mind on bit. She would wake up every morning and check on the little, who slept more than she did, and then go about her business with the little.

Ranboo loved it, he got to be little and be taken care of. He would go everywhere with his mama, even while she did her important work. He would be right next to her, or even being held by her as she bossed people around, helped keep peace, and keep people in line. No one dared to ask about if Ranboo was aware of Tubbo, Eret had to mention it to everyone when Ranboo wasn't there, which didn't happen all too often these days.

Ranboo had spent almost every moment small, so the first time he woke up big he was a bit confused. He had been put down for a nap by Eret and was just now waking up about an hour later. He looked around and recognized it as Eret's castle. He was wearing a skirt and sweater, with a pacifier clipped to his shirt. He wasn't uncomfortable with what he was wearing he was just confused on who's close it was.

He stood up and walked out of the room he was in, he was currently alone and he didn't want to be. He wasn't upset, mad or even scared, he was just confused. He wanted to know how he got here and what he missed. The last time he remembered being big he was home with Micheal. He assumed Tubbo was with Micheal now and wanted to see his husband and son, both were probably wondering where he was.

"He what?" He heard voices in the front hall of the castle. He walked out to the top of the stairs and he saw Eret and Fundy standing at the bottom of the staircase.

"He tried to escape, like really tried. Sam wants to keep him in the prison for at least an extra week, maybe two. A bunch of us are getting together for a meeting about it and you need to be there." Fundy said and Eret shook her head. Ranboo thought they were talking about Dream, but realized it couldn't be Dream since Dream doesn't have a defined sentence for prison.

"Ranboo is sleeping upstairs so I can't wake him and I won't leave him." Eret tells Fundy and Fundy is confused.

"So you are willing to skip a meeting on him because his husband wants to act like a fucking child?" Fundy asks. Eret pulls out her sword out and holds it to Fundy's neck.

"Say that shit again and you won't be the only one in that prison Fundy. There are many littles on this server and if you disrespect one you disrespect them all and their caregivers. Got it." Eret growls and Fundy nods, panicked at the sharp blade that was held against his neck. She puts down the sword. "And honestly I can't give a fuck on what happens to Tubbo right now. He knew what he was doing, he left his child and husband to try and blow up a nation that's been damaged for months."

"He did what?" Ranboo speaks up, feeling his heart break. What did Tubbo do? Fundy and Eret both turn to look at Ranboo at the top of the stairs.

"Oh Boo." Eret says and Ranboo shakes his head.

"I'm not small right now don't use nicknames on me. What did Tubbo do?" He asks and Fundy looks confused.

"You don't know?" And Ranboo shakes his head. "About two weeks ago Tubbo left you and Micheal in Snowchester before going and trying to drop nukes all along the prime path. Half of them didn't go off, the other half caused damage. Few lost pets and homes but no major damage that couldn't be fixed. He was put in prison and you were no where to be found." Fundy says and a million thoughts are going through Ranboo's head.

Why did Tubbo do that? Where was Micheal now? Why didn't anyone tell him? What did Tubbo say to him before he did that? Could he have stopped that? How many were hurt and how could he have done something?

"Boo, Boo, I need you to take some deep breathes." Eret had run up the stairs and sat next to Ranboo as Ranboo was now on the ground, crying and not breathing properly. Ranboo latched onto Eret as he cried. She just held the little crying boy in her arms as Fundy walked up the stairs slowly.

"Mama why he do bad?" Ranboo sobbed, slipping in and out of little space again.

"Baby boy we don't know. But it's okay, everyone is okay. Micheal is with Phil and Techno and you're safe here." She coos into his ear and he nods, trying to stop crying. "You didn't do anything wrong and there's nothing you coulda done okay?" And Ranboo fully began to slip into little space. He pulled his pacifier back into his mouth and just hung onto Eret.

"You wanna come with mama to the meeting or do you want mama to stay here with you?" She asks. Ranboo sticks up one finger, feeling small and nonverbal. "Tubbo will be there, is that okay?" And he nods. "Alright bubs, lets go get some shoes on you. Fundy we'll be back in a moment."

She carried the little up to the room they had been sharing, and she got some thigh high socks on him, and then pulled on his rainboots he had been wearing when he first came to the castle. Luckily they were blue so they matched his pastel colored outfit. She then grabbed a bag, throwing in some little gear such as extra pacifier, a bottle with some milk in it, water, fidget toys and a stuffie.

"Alright little one, we have to go. Want me to carry you or want to walk?" She asked and Ranboo just stuck his arms up, asking to be carried. She gladly picked him up and began to walk towards where the meeting would be held. Fundy followed them out of the castle and didn't say a word. They walked all the way to the meeting place were Fundy walked in before the other two.

"Go?" Ranboo mumbles quietly and Eret nodded. She was just taking her time for a moment, she was thinking about what would happen with Tubbo, he was the only one who was unaware of what was happening with Ranboo.

"Alright little one, I'm going to put you down and you have to walk alright? When we get in there sit next to me and I'll give you a stuffie okay?" And Ranboo nodded, Eret couldn't help but feel her heart be happy. Ranboo was never a bratty little and that made her happy. Once they walked in Ranboo was looking all around, the meeting was held at a long round table, and most people in the meeting were already there.

Wilbur, Techno, Phil, Fundy, Quackity, Karl, Niki, Bad and Tommy were there. Ranboo sat with Eret on one side and Phil on the other.

"Hello there little one." Phil greeted and Ranboo looked up at Phil.

"Micheal?' Ranboo slurred around his pacifier, Phil smiled softly.

"Puffy is currently watching him little one, don't worry he's safe and he's happy." Phil reassures and a door opens. In walks in Tubbo, in shackles with Sam leading him in. They sat at the head of the table, Tubbo's shackles being attached to the table. Tubbo looks around and spots Ranboo.

"Ranboo! I haven't seen you in forever!" Tubbo calls and Ranboo shrinks into himself, why was Tubbo acting like everything is okay? He hurt people, he hurt pets, he could have hurt Micheal. "Are you alright Ranboo?"

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