It's always about him Cg! Philza and Tubbo Little! Tommy 1/1

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Summery: Tommy one day goes to find Tubbo, his usual caregiver, but instead is met with Tubbo talking to Sam. Sam is going on and on, unknowing that Tommy is little and right behind them, about how Tommy is "selfish" Tommy then runs out and is met face to face with his 'dad'



Cg! Philza

Cg! Tubbo

Little! Tommy



Philza: Dadza, dada, Phil

Tubbo: Tubs

Tommy: Toms, little one



Platonic family! Phil did adopt Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Techno


Tw: Bashing on someone else, mention of death, cursing

Note: I don't watch Sam a lot, and I don't understand his character too much so sorry if I write him poorly! Also thank you for over 600 reads!


Tommy was walking to Tubbo's house in Snowchester. He was slightly cold since he forgot his big jacket last time he was at Tubbo's house but it didn't matter, he was almost there. Since he was alone and knew he wouldn't been seen by many he had his pacifier in his mouth and was holding his favorite teddy bear.

Tubbo had been Tommy's caregiver for over a year now. Tubbo was not the only one who knew about his regression, Tommy's family, Ranboo, and a few select others knew. But Tommy was the only little on the whole server. Tubbo was the one who took care of Tommy the most, others did from time to time.

Tommy approached the house and remembered what Tubbo had said to him.

"You don't need to knock, this house is as much your house as it is mine"

So Tommy walked in. He didn't see Tubbo but didn't worry, he was here somewhere. He followed the sounds of voices that he heard in the distance. As he drew nearer he realized it sounded like someone was angry and he stopped in his tracks. He didn't want to go near someone who was angry, people being angry made him scared. But he drew a bit closer when he heard his name.

"No Tommy is just so fucking stupid!" Tommy whined softly, it sounded like Sam was there.

"Sam." He heard Tubbo start but Sam cut him off.

"No Tubbo, someone needs to say it! He is just a selfish kid! He's almost an adult and he runs around with a pacifier in his mouth and acting like a kid! Acting like he doesn't done shit to everyone around him! Then there's the fact that it's all about him! 'I died' 'I got left behind' 'I got forced into exile' What about everyone else! Everyone else has stuff going on." It sounded like the voices were coming nearer but he didn't move.

"Sam he's just." But once again Tubbo was cut off.

"He doesn't know when to stop! He's nothing but an issue half the time!" And that's when Sam and Tubbo turned the corner. Tubbo locked eyes with Tommy and saw the tears, the slight shaking and the pacifier in his mouth and teddy in his arms.

"Tubs." Tommy mumbled softly. He felt the tears fall down his face.

"Toms." Tubbo breathed out but Tommy shook his head, he spat out the pacifier and let it fall to the floor along with the teddy bear. He turned right on his heels and began running. He heard the quick footsteps following him but since Tommy wasn't wearing boots and a big coat, while Tubbo was, he was able to loose Tubbo.

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