Chilly bones Cg! Phil Cg! Techno Little! Ranboo 1/1

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Summery: Ranboo is found out in the rain and while he's having fun, his bones are cold now. Techno takes him back home with him.



Cg! Phil

Cg! Techno

Little! Ranboo



Phil: Za

Techno: Techie

Ranboo: Boo


Relationship: Phil and Techno are PLATONICALLY married, Ranboo is their friend/neighbor


Tw: mention of burns (caused by water/Ranboo being a half enderman)

Prompt/Message: this came from my brain after standing out in the rain

Note for everyone: I stood out in the rain because I thought "I have Covid, I can't get anymore sick" but now my bones are cold, also this is short but sweet


Techno was traveling down the prime path, going to a neither portal that he knew wasn't too far away. It was raining, which he truly didn't mind since his cloak was water proof.

As he traveled down the path he saw someone sitting next to a building, soaked by the rain. At first he couldn't tell who it was, but the closer he got the more he was able to recognize. He eventually was able to see it was Ranboo sitting there, headphones in his ears that were connected to his communicator.

At some point Ranboo had discovered how to put music on his communicator, at the same time he was also able to figure out a water repellent. When put on like sunscreen he was able to go swimming without getting burned, and now his new favorite activity was sitting out in the rain listening to music.

As much as Ranboo enjoyed it, Techno knew that Ranboo could still get sick if he sat out in the rain. So he approached Ranboo, who took a moment to even notice Techno was there.

"Oh hey." Ranboo eventually said, taking an earbud out.

"Hello Ranboo." Techno greeted.

"What's up?" Ranboo asked.

"Well, it's raining pretty hard out here. I wanted to see if you wanted to come back with me, I'm on my way home." Techno said, though his tone made it seem like he more telling Ranboo he should come with, rather than asking.

"I'm good." Ranboo tried to dismiss but Techno gave him a half glare.

"Come on, Phil said he's making potato soup." Techno tried to bribe. Ranboo stared back up at the sky, watching and feeling the rain fall.

"I don't feel like walking." Ranboo said and Techno sighed slightly. He bent down and picked up Ranboo easily, his strength really coming through. Ranboo blushed as he was held on Techno's hip like a small child.

"Tech." Ranboo said quietly as Techno continued to the nether portal.

"What?" Techno asked. Ranboo was starting to act all shy.

"When you carry me I feel small." Ranboo complained, his voice noticeably higher.

Ranboo had told his friends about his age regression only a little bit after he moved out to the mountain side. Phil had gone to see if Ranboo wanted extra soup that Phil had made and found Ranboo regressed.

Both of the immortal husbands knew what regression was and at once began to take of Ranboo. When he was big again they asked if he would be okay with them taking care of him.

It was decided that Ranboo didn't need them (or want them) to take care of him every time. He was fine on his own, but if he wanted to or just so happened to slip around them, then they would.

"That's okay Boo. I'll get us home." Techno replied. Ranboo didn't say anything else but wrapped his arms around Techno. When they got to the nether Ranboo buried his face in Techno's shoulders, feeling uncomfortable going from cold to burning hot.

When they finally got out of the nether and to the Arctic, Ranboo was freezing again. He hands were starting to go numb and the water resistance potion was ending and the snow on his skin stung a bit. Techno raced as fast as he could without putting Ranboo in danger.

They finally made it back to the house, and without even knocking Techno went into Phil's side.

"Hey, oh hi Ranboo!" Phil greeted once he saw the younger. Ranboo waved softly to Phil, his clothes starting to hurt his skin.

"Hi Za." He then turned to Techno "can I change, it hurt." Ranboo said and Techno at once realized what was happening and nodded.

He took Ranboo back to the bed room and got out a clean sweater and a pair of sweatpants, leaving so the boy could change in peace. When he was done Ranboo came out of the room and began to walk gently towards where Phil was. Techno took this as his chance to get changed out of wet clothes.

"So what were you doing today Boo?" Phil asked as Ranboo sat on the couch across from Phil. He curled into himself a bit and Phil knew he was small.

"Sittin in rain and listening to music." Ranboo said gently.

"Oh? How was that?" Phil asked.

"Cold." Ranboo responded and Phil at once stood up. He walked over to the basket near the fireplace that held blankets in them. Since they were close enough to the fire without catching fire the blankets were toasty. He grabbed a couple and brought them to Ranboo, wrapping him in them at once.

"How's that Boo?" Phil asked, sitting next to him after he was done. They both heard Techno start coming back down the hall.

"Tanks Za." Ranboo said softly, leaning into Phil's side. Phil wrapped his arm around Ranboo as Ranboo snuggled into his side. Techno saw this and continued to the kitchen.

When he came back he had a bottle of Angel milk for Ranboo. Ranboo saw this, but 1. Didn't want to move his arms out of the blankets because his bones were cold and 2. Felt too small to feed himself so Techno sat on Ranboo's other side and began to feed him it.

Once he was done Techno grabbed an extra paci they kept in the coffee table drawer for when Ranboo came over and gave it to Ranboo. Ranboo took it and smiled softly as his eyes began to close.

"You feeling okay Boo?" Techno asked softly and Ranboo nodded as he said his last words before falling asleep

"Chilly bones, but happy."

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