Storms coming. Cg! Eret Little! Ranboo 1/3

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Summery: On her walk back to her castle from visiting others around the smp Eret sees a little Ranboo on his own. Going over knowing that Ranboo is a little they ask where Tubbo is, knowing that something happened to Tubbo. After sharing that Ranboo has not seen Tubbo in a few days Eret takes care of him



Cg! Eret

Little! Ranboo



None other than platonic husbands between Tubbo and Ranboo



Eret: Mama, Et

Ranboo: Boo, Little one, baby boy



CC! Eret uses all pronouns and I love that. For this piece I am going to be using She/Her pronouns and more fem nicknames, not that I am ignoring their other pronouns it just helps my writing. In the future when I do more Eret I'll use they/them and he/him a bit more.

Also thank you for 100 readers already! The book is less than 72 hours old! Thank you so much and remember I take requests! So please request something!

Tw: Mention of disappearance and captivity.


Eret was walking from visiting Bad back to her castle. It was a rainy day, cloudy and wet. She had an umbrella and opted out of using her cape so she wouldn't be dragging a wet rag about as the water filled the streets. She was walking when she noticed that a certain half enderman was sitting under an awning, staring up at the sky. She crossed over to the hybrid.

"Hello Ranboo." Eret greets and Ranboo looks back at Eret. Eret was then able to see Ranboo's pacifier in his mouth. Everyone on the server knew of Ranboo's regression as Ranboo was not the only little on the server. Others also indulged in the coping way and found it nice.

"Hi!" Ranboo said, quite happy despite it being pouring down rain. Eret also knew the water would hurt Ranboo so Eret was surprised that Ranboo was even out here.

"What are you doing out here darling?" Eret asks, not confused on why Ranboo was little considering what had happened but more confused on why outside when it's raining.

"Wasn raining when I der!" Ranboo says pointing to a near by flower field. Eret thought for a moment before understanding that Ranboo said that it wasn't when he was there. She nodded and turned back to Ranboo.

"Well little one do you want to come with me back to my castle? We could make sure you stay all dry and cozy" Eret offers and Ranboo shakes his head.

"Waitin for Tubs." He mumbles and Eret felt her heart skip a beat for a moment. Did little Ranboo not understand what happened or did Ranboo not hear? Or did he forget? Any of those would be challenging. Eret couldn't forget the past weeks events.

"No because I am fucking tired of you and I'm tired of you and I'm tired of everyone!" Tubbo yelled, running along the main path, dropping nukes behind him. Everyone started to panic and ran in different directions.

"Tubbo! You need to stop!" Tommy tried to yell but Tubbo ignored him. He kept running, dropping the nukes, buildings went flying along with people trying to run. Then the death toll came in. Many lost pets, and few lost a canon life. Tubbo went crazy until Techno managed to pin him down and he was put into prison.

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