I'll protect you! Cg! Phil Little! Ranboo and Wilbur 1/1

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Summery: Ranboo and Wilbur head over to Phil's house for horror night, but at the first jump scare Ranboo slips. Cue Wilbur being protective older brother



Cg! Phil

Little! Ranboo

Little! Wilbur



Phil: dadza, dada

Ranboo: Boo-bear, Ran

Wilbur: Wilby


Relationship: two tall brothers and their short father


Tw: Horror movie

Prompt/Message: This one came from me and my lovely Vampy (months ago yes but shush)

Note for everyone: There's not enough baby tall duo out there bro


Ranboo and Wilbur were spending the night at Phil's house. They had spent the last couple of days filming Sorry videos with Tommy and Charlie, before the two of them went to film videos for just Tommy's channel.

They had ordered pizza, and Wilbur was looking through some movies to try and pick one out for them while Phil was in the kitchen getting drinks.

"Ran do you want your drink in a glass or a sippy?" Phil called, and Ranboo blushed slightly.

"A glass is fine!" He called back. Phil walked over to peak his head into the living room.

"Are you sure?" Phil asked with an eyebrow raised. He knew after filming videos Ranboo was more likely to go little then not.

"He said a glass is fine, dadzaaa." Wilbur said lightly, basically reminding Phil not to push Ranboo about little space. "But do remember Boo there's nothing embarrassing about using a sippy."

"If you think that then why don't you use a sippy cup." Ranboo shot back lightly.

"Alright I will, make that a sippy for each of us Phil." Wilbur said with no hint of embarrassment. He had always been open about his regression (well to friends, not the fans.)

"I said I'd take a glass." Ranboo called to Phil who had retreated back into the kitchen. Phil didn't say anything back but when he returned he had two sippy cups. Ranboo took his and put it on the coffee table in front of him, determined to be spiteful.

It wasn't like Ranboo didn't like regressing, and it wasn't like Phil or Wilbur minded. He just hated the idea of always forcing Phil to take care of him, despite Phil being his caregiver.

When Ranboo snapped out of his thoughts he saw Wilbur finally had settled on a movie, it was some sort of horror movie from an indie company.

"Are you sure? We might want to pick something more approperite." Phil said lightly, glancing over to Ranboo. Ranboo gave a fake glare back, which made Phil smile a bit.

"No let's watch it." Ranboo said and Phil sighed lightly.

"Okay, but if it gets too scary let me know." Phil said as Wilbur hit play on the movie.

They only made it about 15 minutes in before Ranboo started feeling small. He was still determined to stay big but by the time the first jump scare came on his head space went crashing down. He started sobbing as quietly as he could, but he didn't too good of a job.

At the first sound of a sniffle Wilbur had whipped his head around and saw Ranboo crying.

"Aw Boo-bear!" Wilbur exclaimed, clamoring over Phil and over to Ranboo's side of the couch. Phil tried not to be too bothered by the 6'5 musician climbing over him but he did almost get elbowed in the face. Phil paused the movie as Wilbur hugged Ranboo.

"Scary!" Ranboo sobbed into Wilbur's shoulder.

"Dada said it would be." Wilbur reminded him gently, and Phil could tell that Wilbur was also starting to regress.

"I supposed to be big." Ranboo continued to cry.

"You didn't have to be big Ran, that's why I got your sippy for you." Phil said but Ranboo just shook his head that was still buried in Wilbur's shoulder.

"I small too Boo-bear, so it okay." Wilbur decided

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